giving money to charity?

2015-12-06 5:47 pm
is there anywhere I can give money to help poor people have a nice Christmas?

回答 (8)

2015-12-06 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try contacting your local county social services or children's services. They could point you in the right direction.
Also, the Marines hosts a Toys for Tots program each year. Look them up online for the area contact. Another thought is to look up a local Gospel Mission who feeds the homeless and provides other services for the homeless and working poor. Bless your giving heart. Merry Christmas to you.
2015-12-06 5:57 pm
Salvation army bell ringers are in front of many stores now. Drop some cash in their buckets.
2015-12-18 8:45 pm
Check with some of your local churches or soup kitchens.
2015-12-18 3:33 pm
2015-12-09 5:13 pm
Goodwill and salvation army is the only thing i can think of.
2015-12-06 10:21 pm
Start with the local homeless shelter and local food bank. Then branch out more widely to programs like Toys for Tots, Blue Santa and so on.
2015-12-06 6:08 pm
there's a shoebox scheme I used to take part in when I was at school, not sure what it's called, but you'd basically go out and buy stuff then put it in a shoebox and wrap the shoebox up, then a charity would send them all off to different people (mostly children) for christmas. Worth researching
2015-12-06 5:58 pm
lots of places - local homeless shelters, churches, salvation army red buckets

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