女人活得快樂是本事 跪求幫我翻成英文🙏?

2015-12-06 3:19 pm

回答 (7)

2015-12-06 4:58 pm
It takes a smart woman to live a happy woman.
2015-12-09 6:10 pm

A woman with good-looking is advantage, to live beautiful is skill.

A woman with beautiful living is skill.

謹供参考, 謝謝!🤔
2015-12-08 4:18 pm
Only wise women can live happily.
2015-12-08 2:00 am
A woman is living a happy life is because of her capability(ability).
A woman is living a happy life is due to her capability(ability).
A woman is living a happy life, which is attributed to her capability(ability).

Women are living happy lives, owing to their abilities.
2015-12-07 9:35 am
Only able woman find happiness in life.

2015-12-07 4:42 am
2015-12-06 4:05 pm
你還欠兩字,你應該寫,女人活得快樂是男人本事,英文就是,only the strongest man can bring happy life to woman 。

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