How to get my ex to come back to me ?

2015-12-06 3:05 pm
Basically we had a rough patch for a while but for the last month we ve been fine--really happy. 2 days ago we had a little stupid argument and he ended it because he has had enough. I ve been texting him everyday since but he s been blunt saying I ve been pissing him off and to leave him alone. He s been out all the time and every night since but doesn t seem like he cares at all. Today we exchanged our stuff and I was upset and saying I love you and he drove off because I was being an annoyance to him. How can I get him back? Does he even care??? I m his first love but he s not mine

回答 (1)

2015-12-06 3:09 pm
He said he finds you annoying. You text him everyday, that is annoying. You told him you love him and said you were annoying. I think this guy thinks you are annoying. So forget about him, think about what you did to cause him to feel this way. Feel better after a month or so, and don't repeat your "annoying" behavior...which I think he means is clingy. Get independent, men like it better.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:57
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