Does anyone out there expect President Obama's first Oval Office address to reveal that Islam is indeed a threat to national security.?

2015-12-06 3:03 pm

回答 (8)

2015-12-06 3:13 pm
Well, he won't blame all of Islam, just like we don't blame all of Christianity after that guy shoots up Planned Parenthood.
2015-12-06 3:07 pm
I dont expect Obama to give out details to the world and tell them how he is going to defeat the problem we Americans started and now want Obama to hurry up and fix all the while you all keep fanning the flames and making it worse for our people over there fighting to stay alive. There is no Patriotism in anything Cons do. Here or abroad. They come home you turn your backs, then fight to stop help for them after fighting your useless wars.
2015-12-06 3:06 pm
We know this already!
2015-12-06 3:05 pm
No, he admitted he`s a muslim so why would he?
2015-12-06 3:07 pm
Not me. I expect more excuses and lies.
2015-12-06 3:38 pm
Obama is going to deflect blame away from ISIL (as he calls it) on to the conservatives who defend the right to bear arms. He is good buds with ISIS, otherwise he would have been bombing them these last 13 months instead of "treading lightly". I wonder how those Air Force pilots felt when they were told to avoid ground casualties and avoid the oil refineries and transportation of oil?
2015-12-06 3:17 pm
It's illegal for him to target a religion. But ok for him to target terrorists.
2015-12-06 3:07 pm
It might upset our allies in Saudi Arabia if we said it was bad to behead a poor woman in the street after a mock trial per SHARIA LAW.

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