Low sugar meal ideas?

2015-12-06 2:32 pm
Simple please I'm not good at cooking and don't have lots of time

回答 (4)

2015-12-06 3:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Very few lunch or dinner recipes call for sugar. For breakfast try making two-four portions of oatmeal with Quaker old fashions oats when you have time. It only takes 5-10 minutes. For two portions, add 1/4 cup raisins and 1/4 walnuts or pecans to the water which will you will have to boil. Then finish making the oatmeal according to the directions on the package. Add a bit of milk or half and half to one portion of oatmeal and enjoy. The raisins take the place of sugar. Refrigerate the leftover oatmeal and heat one portion in the microwave the next morning.

Lunch or Dinner Ideas
Saute a skinless boneless pounded chicken breast in some hot oil in a skillet. Have it with some mixed salad greens from on of those cello bags of salad in the product section. You can make up a batch of chicken breasts and freeze them. Change them up by adding a bit of jarred pasta sauce over the chicken. Use a tomato based sauce and top with some shredded mozzarella cheese. Place under the broiler until the cheese melt. Serve with pasta and some of that sauce and a salad or frozen green vegetable. You can store leftover pasta in the fridge or freezer and reheat it by adding the pasta to boiling water.

Another easy way to make chicken cutlets which also works well with fillet of fish is to spread a bit of mayonnaise over a chicken cutlet or fish fillet, coat the top of the fish or chicken with mixture of bread crumbs and parmesan cheese and bake in a preheated 375F oven for 20 minutes.

You can used cooked chicken cutlets for sandwiches for lunch. Hamburgers do not contain sugar and don't take long to make. Meatballs and spaghetti or lasagna may take a while to prepare but you can always freeze the leftover in single serving portions and then reheat in the oven or microwave. Stews and soups also freeze well. When I worked I would set one Sunday a month aside to cook one or two recipes that could be frozen which took little time to heat up.
2015-12-06 11:26 pm
Sugar should never be added to any savoury dish.To have sugar free desserts simply google them or replace sugar with stevia.
2015-12-06 11:46 pm
2015-12-06 4:09 pm

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