Do you think work is wrong not to let sick workers go home? Especially at fast food and restaurants?

2015-12-06 5:45 am

回答 (33)

2015-12-20 3:32 pm
All sick people, regardless if they work in the food industry or not, should be sent home. Because, otherwise they spread their germs and everyone takes turns getting sick.

But, people feel like they will be fired if they take a sick day, so they go to work sick and also because they need the income. Staying home sick for a day or two is a huge financial set back for many workers.
2015-12-21 2:34 pm
2015-12-15 3:57 pm
Yes it's disgusting
2015-12-10 4:22 pm
Yes I hate going to a restaurant and seeing the person behind the counter sniffling and rubbing their eyes.. Send the poor child home. I don't want germy food
2015-12-09 11:05 pm
Yes yes and yes! As someone who works in a cafe. If i was at a cafe/restaurant and the staff in charge were sick and snotty no way would i want them handling my food. And as i work in a food outlet i'd totally understand health and safety first rule.
2015-12-08 11:11 am
Absolutely wrong. I don't want someone that is sick spreading germs into the food that I eat. But the companies don't care about that, all they care about is that almighty dollar.
2015-12-07 6:42 pm
2015-12-07 3:54 pm
2015-12-06 9:33 pm
Yes, it is wrong. Unless they are in an office and totally away from food preparation, I think Health Dept rules mandates them to leave the premises.
2015-12-06 1:38 pm
It is against all Health Department regulations to keep sick employees working.
I know this presents a problem for food service having to fill spots but it is a public health matter. You expose customers to a variety of illness and you have no idea if any of your customers have compromised immune systems and could become very ill if you were to transmit an illness to them.
(The cold or flu you have could kill the person that will go for chemo later on in the week.)

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