What do you think about political correctness?

2015-12-06 3:05 am

回答 (34)

2015-12-06 1:07 pm
Political correctness is a way to deny people their right to free speech and their liberty. I have NO right to be free from being offended and neither does anyone else in the United States. It's time we here, put on our big boy pants and big girl panties and get on with life. You're only a victim if you want to be one.
2015-12-06 3:18 am
Political correctness will cause the end of civilization as we know it if our political leaders continue to brown nose around Muslims instead of fighting the very real Islamic threat against us.
2015-12-07 3:54 am
PC may be well intended, but too often it just allows people to not wanna face up to the real facts and issues that need to be understood and dealt with. I think PC has been carried a little too far,but it is not the major reason why we are having so many problems. It is gutless people who just wanna take the easy way out, and do not look for the long-term solutions.
2015-12-06 3:06 am
It's a way of shutting people up
2015-12-07 10:35 am
Waa waa waa boo ******* hoo. Political correctness is p u s s y talk. The problem with this world is no body has any cojones anymore. I remember when we dropped the bomb. It was like that little tap on the shoulder saying stop that or we will drop another. This country contrary to popular belief has never been good and definitely never honorable. So let's show our true colors to what our flag really stands for. Kicking worldwide *** for over 200 years. Then I'll agree that AMERICA is the greatest country in the world.
2015-12-06 3:14 am
It's bullying in reverse. It's also B.S..The object is to make people afraid to say or do anything without approval!
2015-12-06 3:11 am
PC is stupid. Bunch of kindergarten stuff...someone calls you a pie face, you call them a dodo head in return and move on with your life- not make a federal case out of it. Literally.
2015-12-06 3:35 am
Do a lot of cons' complaints actually come down to "I can't do everything I want to!"?
"I can't use the 'n' word anymore!"
"I can't run roughshod over people I consider inferior!'
"I can't demean women 24 hours a day!"
"I can't demand that my wife stay home, barefoot and pregnant, and wait on me hand and foot!"
"I can't beat up on my wife when she displeases me!"
"I can't beat the hell out of my children!"
"I can't lynch people anymore!"

These are the subtitles I hear in my head when I read the constant whining on here about how political correctness is causing them problems and they wish they could use the words they really want to use.
2015-12-07 8:56 pm
Political correctness has its place, but I think it is often taken to unnatural extremes. People get too offended anymore just because someone speaks his mind.
2015-12-07 6:04 am
Political Correctness is Marxism. It is a system devised by the Communist Party of Paris (c1870) to stifle free speech.


and if you think 'socialism' is a good idea, then read this and think again.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Winston Churchill
2015-12-07 4:38 am
It is a label that liberals invented to apply to anyone who expresses ideas or opinions that do not coincide with current liberal political objectives. They use it as a way to silence opposing thoughts, ideas, and opinions, and there in lies its danger. It is antipodal to free speech.
2015-12-07 4:00 am
depends on whether means what is correct in politics such as marxist owning means of production ideas and green party anti-oil ideas defeat all other parties.together answer requirements.liberalismin true form fits marxism.
參考: green marxism.
2015-12-06 1:46 pm
PC is the path to restricting free speech. From PC all bad seeds grow.
2015-12-06 3:11 am
Like most things, it is effective in moderate doses. We left that realm some time ago.
2015-12-07 3:13 am
Political correctness is ok to an extent.
2015-12-06 4:19 am
I'm offended by this question!
2015-12-07 3:40 am
Political correctness basically means, being polite and nice to people. Some people are against political correctness because they can't say the dumb, bigoted,sexist, racist things now because someone might call them out on it. I think it's alright to me.
2015-12-06 3:11 am
There are occasions where it is taken too far. But in general, political correctness is just not being a d!ck to people.

"But I have the right to be a d!ck to people!" is the counter-argument. Yeah, you do...but do you have to be?
2015-12-06 3:09 am
The world is brainwashed by "political correctness"
2015-12-06 3:06 am
I hate it with a fiery passion.
2015-12-08 5:45 pm
It's BS. I wanna say what I wanna say, and think what I wanna think, without any fear of reprisal from the government. PC is essentially censorship of thoughts.
2015-12-08 7:58 am
I've always said the PC is BS.
2015-12-07 2:29 pm
PC is a KILLER ;) !
2015-12-07 11:50 am
It is complete bullshit.
2015-12-07 5:56 am
It's how spoiled entitled brats keep their narcissistic ego & feelings from getting hurt so that they can insult other people & try to hurt their feelings.
2015-12-07 12:35 am
It started with good intentions but it has gotten out of control. I like the bill of rights and think it should always trump good intentions.
2015-12-06 2:44 pm
I dont think it much matter. We can see right through it.
2015-12-06 3:39 am
It exist to destroy "free speech." Which is funny because liberals used to fight for free speech, including speech other people didn't like!
2015-12-06 3:26 am
Its a form of censorship.
2015-12-06 3:09 am
Its full blown ridiculous.
2015-12-06 3:23 am
It's something we do need in many instances because it does correct certain things like discrimination, racism ect. However sometimes people can go overboard and be too PC. Just gotta be smart, and know the context of everything and why it is.
2015-12-06 3:08 am
Keeping the American people from discussing the waste, fraud and corruption of the federal government.
2015-12-06 3:07 am
I think it's double-plus ungood. (If you don't catch the reference, read Orwell's 1984.)
2015-12-06 3:07 am
It is RUINING our country!
2015-12-06 3:06 am
Brown muslim terrorists love it

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