How does this car look to you. Personal opinion?

2015-12-06 12:05 am

回答 (6)

2015-12-06 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Looks awesome actually
2015-12-06 1:09 am
I'd laugh if I saw it in person. But, in certain cultural circles, it's probably cool.
2015-12-06 1:08 am
Like a ricer for a pre-pubescent nerd.
2015-12-06 12:33 am
Personal opinion?

Wouldn't be caught dead in it.

But that's just my opinion, which you did ask for.
2015-12-06 3:18 am
the body is awesome, but the dragon and the stripes look cheesy. it would be better in a solid color. cobalt or muted orange and grey would look sick.
2015-12-06 12:06 am
How does this car look to you? Personal opinion?

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