Should Marcus Junius Brutus have killed Julius Caesar?

2015-12-05 8:30 pm

回答 (9)

2015-12-05 10:41 pm
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It all depends while Brutus came from the families that drove out the Kings and helped establish a republic over time Rome had developed into an Empire and in an Empire it is best to have a single voice as you would more than likely be at war at any given time.

A Republic works best on a small scale but has the added risk of mass corruption.

An Empire works best on a larger scale but as you may have heard most people inherit the crown and this is obviously not a good way to determine the welfare of up to a quarter of the human population like in this case at its height.

Brutus was brought up to believe in the Republic so it is clear where he stood and even though he failed it was really the only logical choice he had if he wanted to reinstate the Republic.

So depending on your point of view the answer could be either but in the case of Rome itself I personally think it was a mistake as the Republic was at deaths door anyway and Caesar was the only other option other than withdrawing behind Latin borders once more thus ensuring a smaller more manageable and sustainable Democratic system.
2015-12-05 9:10 pm
Well his killing pretty much put an end to the Roman Republic.
2015-12-05 10:37 pm
He was trying to keep kings from ruling Rome. It did not work but the intent was accurate.
2015-12-05 10:37 pm
He was probably the only one of them who truly believed Caesar wished to be King. Most of the others were jealous of Caesars Power, his Armies and the love of him by general populace
So I say yes and my reasons why
2015-12-05 9:01 pm
Cayo Julio Cesar el 15 de marzo del año 44 A.C. recibió en su humanidad un total de 23 puñaladas por parte de un grupo de conjurados de la mas alta estirpe romana. recibiendo de un patricio de nombre Casca la primera de ellas; pero si bien es cierto que Junio Bruto (hijo adoptivo de Cesar) fue solo uno de los brazos armados que arremetieron contra Cesar; también es cierto que Junio Bruto, junto con Casio, fue uno de los pilares de la conjura ya que sin duda sus intrigas y maquinaciones precipitaron los acontecimientos que desembocaron en el asesinato de Cesar.
2015-12-06 2:28 am
No. He was persuaded by the others and died for it.
2015-12-05 8:53 pm
why not ? we are human it's our nature
2015-12-05 8:38 pm
No but spongebob kicked bart simpsons asss.
2015-12-05 8:33 pm
Due to the multiplicity of stab wounds by many assailants it was decidedly difficult to ascertain exactly who killed Caesar. For all we know he barely scratched him.

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