I think I gave my guy friend "blue balls" does he hate me now? ...SO AWKWARD?

2015-12-05 7:29 pm
We just made out & fooled around for a bit at my party. No sex. He tried but I rejected him. I guess i gave him blue balls cause he seemed in pain after that.... We were cool after that, a little awkward but still friends. At another party, I tried dancing with him (grinding) he was up against a wall & we dance for a minute or so....but then he kind of moved away & said "ill dance with you later" (he never did). After we were still talking normally & he kept checking me out...I don't get it Why did he do that? Was he getting too turned on or was he uncomfortable or what?

回答 (3)

2015-12-05 7:30 pm
Blue balls is an urban legend
2015-12-05 7:33 pm
Blue Balls is a term guys made up to get sympathy from women. It doesn't actually hurt to get all excited and not have sex. He's just frustrated that you didn't want to go further. Give him a little while and he'll get over it.
2015-12-05 7:32 pm
Probably just immature
for future reference "blue balls" are not life threatening nor that painful and very easily "cured" by himself alone
he is probably annoyed he could not talk you into sex

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