What is the meaning to my dream?

2015-12-05 12:05 pm
So I had a dream I had two small kittens one was white a girl and then one darker a boy they were both tiny. For some reason I d taken them to a supermarket and I think my sister or mum was taking care of the girl kitten and I was taking care of the boy at the beginning of the dream the boy kitten was playful and small and cute but by the end he was scatty and ran around without listening to me and started hurting me by biting my ankles and biting my legs. And by the end I wanted to sell the boy kitten and keep the girl because she was good.

It doesn t sound very symbolic but it really meant something in my dream and it was so vivid and realistic, any idea what the meaning could be?

回答 (3)

2015-12-05 12:06 pm
you may meet a boy that seems nice at first but remember the kitten
2015-12-05 12:11 pm
It probs means a small black cat is going to bite ur ankles.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:24:46
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