Q:- What is the UTS of a material :?

2015-12-05 9:27 am
(a) The proof stress.
(b) The maximum load a specimen can withstand.
(c) The limit of proportionality.
(d) The point of plastic deformation.

回答 (3)

2015-12-05 11:58 pm
To answer the question it is B. As UTS stands for ultimate tensile strength. Think of it as the absolute ultimate weight you can carry before you can't lift it.
2015-12-05 2:43 pm
I guess you mean "ultimate tensile strength," which is the limit before breaking or complete failure. Answer B.
2015-12-05 12:42 pm
B is the answer. The other 3 have to do with permanent deformation not ultimate strength.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:32:42
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