Is Obama eating his words?

2015-12-04 8:03 pm
After the brutal attacks in San Bernadino and him spewing his BS about gun control...and no liberals....gun control would not have kept these terrorists from constructing pipe bombs.

Funny how many Obama supporters are on here in the middle of the day. Is it your day off at McDonalds?

回答 (13)

2015-12-04 8:05 pm
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In the last 3 weeks alone, it's hard to keep up with how many times he's looked like an idiot
2015-12-04 8:04 pm
That's exactly it. Gun laws won't keep criminals from committing crime.

People,who exchange freedom for safety deserve and will get neither.
2015-12-04 8:05 pm
You have no idea just how regulated real explosives are do you?
We regulate explosives in this country, unlike guns.

For that matter you seem oblivious to how the NRA has fought the regulation of gun powder and the use of tracers.
2015-12-04 8:05 pm
2015-12-04 8:04 pm
Obama is wrong on everything
2015-12-04 8:03 pm
Obama is a disgrace to this country thank God I did not vote for him
2015-12-04 8:03 pm
His ego wouldnt allow that
2015-12-04 8:49 pm
How many pipe bombs did they use in the attack? If pipe bombs are outlawed, only outlaws will have pipe bombs.
2015-12-04 8:04 pm
You can stop braying now...
2015-12-04 9:26 pm
take a step further. nothing Obama could do or did do would prevent this kind of insanity from happening.
2015-12-04 8:48 pm
They could have developed anthrax in the kitchen and poison the water supply but those bullets and bombs kill quicker. Obama is fed up with butting his head over gun control with the NRA and conservatives and is walking away to let the next president deal with it. Nothing will ever be done until the majority of American are fed up with the idiots who won't budge on some type of large simi- automatic weapons. The nuts and copy cats will go on killing as long as those weapons are easy to get.
2015-12-04 8:12 pm
No, he isn't. Only you think he is.
2015-12-04 8:10 pm
Guns would not have helped people there in any way.

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