Is this a legit MICHEAL kors site?

2015-12-04 6:29 pm
Is " a legit or trustworthy site? I'm trying to find reviews to see if it's a scam. I'm not really sure about this site because a item will be £300 and discounted to £70? Is that possible if it's a MICHEAL kors bag. Is this site a scam? I want to know because I want to order a MICHEAL kors bag?

回答 (4)

2015-12-04 7:03 pm
Of COURSE it's a scam! WHY WHY WHY do you think MK would sell their products online at a third of the retail price?? To be nice? Why would anyone pay full retail if they could get the real thing somewhere else a lot cheaper? This is a chinese site, selling cheap, nasty fakes that aren't even worth a quarter of what they are charging. Look at the website... read the privacy information...... terrible English, and poor punctuation and grammar. Look at the contact section... no numbers, no addresses, just a contact form. The 'store information' is blank... the link to their ''New York'' office leads nowhere. Honestly, there is no such thing as a site that sells real Designer stuff at discount.
2016-01-05 7:34 am
Items should never be sold below cost or somebody going to get scammed.
Here in Canada we can by direct from supplier. Got Sexy Rio Purfume for 50% off. But that's here. Good luck to you dear.
2015-12-05 4:07 pm
It's a scam. The ONLY legitimate discounted Michael Kors is on the Sale page of the official website
Any other site you find is selling cheap Chinese fakes
2015-12-05 12:02 am
go type the address in

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