關於感情的兩段話 求懂日本語的網友幫忙一下 這句話是男生對女生說的話 <中文翻譯成日文> 翻譯內容如下 : (對於感情的事情、如果我喜歡的人也喜歡我、那麼我願意全心全意的去愛著她。 但是如果我喜歡的人已經有喜歡的男生、那麼我願意祝福她。)?

2015-12-04 9:34 am

回答 (2)

2015-12-05 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
2015-12-04 1:00 pm
For affectionate, emotional and tender devoted thing, if I show love towards girls who love me, then I am willing to give my love to her with all my heart. But if I have already known that that GF has sent her love to another BF, then I am willing to bless her for the sake of love ! (Are you a Fool; that there is no love lost between you- them ?)

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