how do you say 'Good morning' in your native language?

2015-12-04 6:21 am

please write the name of the Language if you don't mind. Thanks!

回答 (134)

2015-12-04 6:23 am
Like this: mom walks into room wakes me up, I look at clock it's 6 am, realize I have to go to school, and I say uuuuuugggggghhhhhh, then attempt to fall back asleep
2015-12-04 6:48 am
Guten Morgen
2015-12-04 6:26 am
Bonjour/bonne journée ~ French :)
2015-12-04 3:56 pm
Καλημέρα - Greek :)
2015-12-04 6:27 am
2015-12-08 8:30 pm
2015-12-04 10:30 am
"Good morning":
Spanish (español): Buenos días
2015-12-12 6:00 am
Zao shang hao!


Mandarin Chinese

2015-12-10 11:08 pm
Croatian: Dobro jutro!
2015-12-07 5:51 am
I'm a Vietnamese and I say 'Good morning' in Vietnamese as 'Chào buổi sáng'.
2015-12-05 10:24 pm
Dutch: "goedemorgen" (formal), "goeiemorgen" (informal)

French: "bonjour", "bon matin" (Canada)

German: "guten Morgen", "moin" (informal, Northern Germany), "guete Morge" (Switzerland)

More languages :
2015-12-05 9:40 am
Slovenian: dobro jutro

Albanian: miremengjes

Macedonian: добро утро/dobro utro

Danish: godmorgen
2015-12-04 6:30 am
Good morning.
2015-12-05 11:36 pm
In my native English one greets anyone before noon with "good mornng", a usage common to all the languages of northern Europe except Polish.
In lands bordering the Mediterranean, plus Polish, there is no such greeting, as there, their equivalent of "good day" is used instead until well into the afternoon. I believe this also applies to Icelandic.
2015-12-05 9:46 am
'Buenos dias' in spanish.
2015-12-08 7:45 am
Mornin' mate
參考: Straya
2015-12-04 7:07 am
"Good morning" or "morning". Unless I haven't had my coffee, then it comes out as "ughls".
2015-12-21 5:55 pm
Доброе утро- in Russian pronounced 'dobroe utro'
2015-12-21 6:24 am
My Native tongue Good Morning My adopted Country GDay Mate
2015-12-20 9:16 am
Language: Japanese (my second language. I studied abroad for a year)

Translation : おはよ ございます
Ak . : Ohayō gozaimasu
2015-12-19 10:38 pm
Oh - ha - yo
"Good morning" in Japanese (informal)
Oh - ha - yo - go - za - i - mas
"Good Morning" in Japanese (formal)

(There is a "su" "す" at the end of the formal version, the "su" "す" stays silent.)
參考: Learning Japanese most of my childhood, along with English.
2015-12-16 6:50 pm
Lithuanian Labas rytas
2015-12-15 5:13 pm
Goeie more !

its hard to explain how to pronounce it, but I'll try my best!! 😂👍
Pronounce --> "Gooié moré" Say the G with ggg sound.. 😉

I suffers to explain and I still don't thing it would be pronounced right.. 😂 I suffered because my first language is Afrikaans and I'm not so good at English!! 😂
2015-12-14 2:33 am
I say "Dobro jutro" (Dobro yootro is how you pronounce it), or sometimes just "Jutro".
2015-12-13 1:44 pm
Language: malayalam
Native to: kerala(an indian state)
2015-12-10 8:58 pm
In Japanese, we good morning in two different phrases:
Ohayou gozaimsu お早うございます (to colleagues and staff)
Ohayou おはよう (To friends and family)
參考: Learning Japanese
2015-12-10 7:25 am
Chinese - zao an (dzau aan - low falling, high)
Cantonese - zou san (dzouh saan - rising, high)
參考: I am a Chinese.
2015-12-09 11:52 pm
Russian "dobroe utro" or "Доброе утро."
2015-12-08 3:42 pm
Goeie môre!

2015-12-07 7:39 pm
In my native language, you say "Good morning."
2015-12-07 5:52 am
2015-12-07 1:03 am
sabahul-khayr صباحُ الخير (Arabic).
2015-12-06 7:12 pm
French: 'bon matin'
2015-12-06 7:09 pm
Cantonese: 戇撚鳩 Ong lan gau :)
2015-12-06 4:13 pm
In greek is καλημέρα , pronounced kalimera.
2015-12-06 8:40 am
In Brazilian Portuguese we say "Good morning!" as "Bom dia!". It's quite similar to the Spanish "Buenos días!". Also, it isn't different from European Portuguese.
2015-12-06 6:25 am
Dobro jutro. (Bosnian)
2015-12-05 6:43 pm
2015-12-05 5:36 pm
"Bora da".. Is WELSH ...( FROM WALES,..UNITED KINGDOM...)..Cheating a bit because, like 70+% of WELSH people, ENGLISH is my FIRST language, all same, but we learn it often VERY badly at school....So "GOOD MORNING" with a WELSH accent, is what comes more naturally !!!!
2015-12-04 7:28 pm
God morn! (Norwegian)
2015-12-04 7:19 pm
Shubh Prabhaat-Sanskrit Hindi Marathi etc.
Kaalai Vanakkam-Tamil...the na is the na which u pronounce in word 'and' words like Ramayana Narayan etc.:)
2015-12-04 3:42 pm
In Dutch; goede morgen and very often it sounds like;goeje morge.
2015-12-04 9:57 am
Добро утро
2015-12-04 8:02 am
"Good morning".
2015-12-04 6:38 am
Good morning
German : Guten Morgen
Turkish : Günaydın
2015-12-10 7:33 pm
2015-12-09 2:45 am
I say it in spanish: Buenos días :)
2015-12-06 2:32 am
Good morning
2015-12-05 4:51 am
Buenos dias
2015-12-04 3:02 pm
Good morning, but I do know Buenos dias.
2015-12-06 1:07 am
Tagalog: Magandang umaga
Cebuano: Maayong buntag
Español: Buenos días
2015-12-05 4:46 am
¡Buenos días! (Español)
2015-12-05 12:51 am
I know it in American Sign Language.
2015-12-04 6:27 am
Dobro jutro
2016-02-25 2:39 pm
Tagalog: Magandang umaga
2015-12-25 3:59 pm
Suvo sokal
2015-12-22 11:02 pm
In Arabic : صباح الخير.
2015-12-22 11:02 pm
Bom Dia
2015-12-22 10:44 pm
Good Morning.
2015-12-22 9:59 am
శుభోదయం ( ShubhOdayam )
Language : Telugu
2015-12-21 10:42 pm
Buenos días! (Spanish)
Hyvää Huomenta (Finnish)
Bonjour! (French)
Guten morgen (German)

These were some languages I learned when I was young haha
2015-12-21 6:09 pm
Good morning-that's my native language.
2015-12-21 2:53 pm
Buon giorno. :)
2015-12-21 11:04 am
sabah alkhir -صباح الخير-
^ arabic
2015-12-21 1:32 am
Good Myornen
2015-12-20 9:12 pm
سهار په خیر
2015-12-20 4:29 pm
Shubh prabhatt (shoo bhā pruh bhaāt)
2015-12-19 9:04 pm
Günaydın. - turkish
2015-12-19 7:00 am
Masampat a abe abe! In Dumaget language.
2015-12-19 3:59 am
Aloha kakahiaka is how you say good morning in Hawaiian.
2015-12-18 9:43 pm
Доброе утро! (Russian)
Degvan oil! (Lezbish)
2015-12-17 2:49 am
Magandang umonga ;)
2015-12-16 8:07 pm
Bom dia
2015-12-16 1:31 am
Selamat Pagi (Bahasa Melayu)
2015-12-15 5:55 am
"AYYYYY, GET OUT OF MY WAY, A**HOLE!" (I'm originally from New York)
2015-12-15 3:20 am
Throw another shrimp on the Barbie
2015-12-14 3:18 pm
Sabah Al-Khair! :)
2015-12-14 12:52 am
guten Morgen!
2015-12-13 10:58 am
Bonjour (in French we don't speare the morning from the afternoon)
2015-12-13 6:43 am
Shubh prabhat-hindi(INDIA)
2015-12-12 9:36 am
"God morgen!" This is Norwegian
2015-12-11 11:55 pm
Dobre rano - slovakian :D
2015-12-11 7:08 pm
Like this->!Buenos días! <-Spanish.
參考: Hispanic!.
2015-12-11 3:52 pm
In Dutch: Goede morgen.
Shorter: Morgen.
Also heard are: Goejesmorges, goejesmorges-deze-morgen, mogguh, moah, smogges, moggel, goeje, gmôôg.
Also heard are several other indistinguishable moans and groans.
2015-12-10 7:50 pm
mornin' (preferably mumbled)
參考: Deep South USA
2015-12-10 1:56 pm
god morgon
2015-12-10 6:38 am
"Make my breakfast beyotch!"
參考: Maninese
2015-12-10 2:29 am
Selamat pagi (Indonesian)
2015-12-10 12:37 am
I am required to say good morning, and just about everything else in both English and French. Bonjour and Good Morning, or an abbreviated 'morning all work.
2015-12-09 12:32 pm
I speak slovak and we say Dobre rano
2015-12-08 11:13 pm
In my native language, we say "Good morning" to say "Good morning."
2015-12-08 8:23 pm
good morning
2015-12-08 3:57 pm
"Bom dia" it's portuguese.
2015-12-08 3:27 pm
nechewa spelnela machumeae
2015-12-08 1:14 am
Good morning
2015-12-08 1:05 am
Bom dia, because the best of Brazil, are the brazilian ones.
2015-12-07 11:42 pm
günaydın ---> turkish
2015-12-07 10:03 pm
Magandang umaga:) that's tagalog
2015-12-07 9:55 pm
Subha Bakhair (Urdu)
2015-12-07 5:09 pm
Goeie / Goede morgen
2015-12-07 2:13 pm
Selamat Pagi-Malay Malaysian
2015-12-07 10:27 am
I boola chi - (Igbo tribe in Nigeria)
2015-12-06 9:04 pm
Good morning
2015-12-06 8:38 pm
Goeie morgen :p
2015-12-06 6:52 pm
god morgon - Swedish
2015-12-06 2:00 pm
Suva Bihani (Nepali)
2015-12-06 12:50 pm
Greek: kalimera
2015-12-06 11:03 am
tamil - vanakam
2015-12-06 10:06 am
สวัสดีตอนเช้า (sa-was-dee-ton-chao)
อรุณสวัส (A-roon-sa-was)
2015-12-06 9:38 am
"Good morning" in my native language.

"Guten Morgen" in the language of my adopted country.
2015-12-06 8:48 am
Bore da - Welsh.
2015-12-06 6:49 am
Bună dimineața!
2015-12-06 12:00 am
Good morning
2015-12-05 9:19 pm
Dutch: Goede morgen
2015-12-05 8:38 pm
Jó reggelt. (Hungarian)
2015-12-05 6:53 pm
2015-12-19 12:09 pm
Suvo sokal
2015-12-17 8:51 am
صباح الخير (Sabah al-Khayr)
2015-12-16 2:28 am
'おはよございます' or 'ohayō gozaimasu'
2015-12-15 9:26 am
Bom dia.
參考: Portuguese
2015-12-12 8:54 pm
Ohayao gozaimesu
2015-12-10 11:03 pm
Good morning in arabic language "Sabah AL-Kheer".
2015-12-10 7:27 pm
Buen día (spanish).
2015-12-10 1:17 pm
Bengali : Subho Sokal
Hindi : Subha Prabhat
2015-12-09 10:54 pm
2015-12-09 8:26 pm
Gud mornen creol
2015-12-09 6:58 pm
صباح الخيرو يسطا
2015-12-08 11:27 pm
Good morning und Guten Morgen
2015-12-08 9:25 pm
Swedish : God morgon
Japanese : Ohayo gozaimasu
Arabic : sabah al-khair
English : Good Morning
2015-12-08 9:04 pm
It's not my native language, but in Portuguese, it is "Bom manhã". I used Portuguese because "Good morning" is "Good morning" in my native language.
2015-12-08 12:16 am
How do you say God come home in Spanish
2015-12-06 6:59 am
Morning 😂
2015-12-05 4:39 pm
Suvo sokal
2015-12-05 4:37 pm
"Here is your coffee".
2015-12-15 8:55 pm
Good Morning
Buenos Dias
2015-12-11 11:50 am
It's something like "greuaaahh".

I do not talk in the morning.

But if I had to talk, then in French, "salut" (Hi) would be the first thing I would say to the people I know and "bonjour" (hello/good morning) is what I would say to the other people.

"Bon matin" (literally : good morning) doesn't exist and "bonne matinée" (also good morning) would be used when leaving someone.
2015-12-10 12:04 pm
2015-12-10 5:54 am
Buenos Dias in Spanish 💜
2015-12-07 9:22 pm
Good morning

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