What is feminism to you? How would you describe it?

2015-12-03 10:39 pm

回答 (8)

2015-12-03 11:03 pm
Feminism is a special interest that advocates for things which benefit some females, often to the detriment of males.
2015-12-03 10:44 pm
"What is feminism to you? How would you describe it?"

Modern feminism is a post Equal Rights social engineering movement in the first world. The words from feminists speak of "equality", but the actions show that they are quick to lobby for laws that actively discriminate against men. Modern feminism harbours a dogmatic ideology that is patently anti-male.

Thus, I am not a feminist. I do not believe in supporting the modern Feminist movement. Here's why:
Feminism is an ideology. That ideology purports to be about equality of the genders by a definition that comes from the much earlier Women's Rights Activists. But today's feminists are NOT the Women's Rights Activists, nor are they the legacy of them despite their deceptive suggestion that they are.

The feminist ideology, like all dogmas, moves forward by tacit approval of the public pronouncements and performed actions of it's prominent members that are in power in the movement. So the problem really begins when we are faced with evident knowledge that these prominent feminists are NOT acting in accordance with "equality". And, at the extreme end, are wantonly promoting misandry and hatred against men.

We have 40+ years of publicly recorded instances where prominent feminists spout off their man hatred to NO disapproval from feminists of any stripe. You can read some examples of this right here:


This flagrant misandry has gone on, completely unchallenged for so many years now that man-hating has become an accepted part of the mainstream feminist ideology. Self-proclaimed feminists themselves have never risen up to challenge the misandric feminist leadership either. This must mean that they are OK with the pronouncements that prominent feminists make under the banner of feminism.

At the end of the day, feminism's ugly misandric image is completely justified by the actions performed under the banner of feminism over the last 4 decades. The idea that random men or "sexists" have nothing better to do than to create ill-will against a group that is only innocently looking to help women gain equality, is both disrespectful to all reasonable people, and deceptively dishonest to our younger generation.

2015-12-03 11:48 pm
The belief held by white women that white males need to be exterminated.
2015-12-03 10:47 pm
The promotion/protest for the rights and equality of females in modern society. Feminism to me is fine, I have no problems with it. I think its great that we are trying to solve a major equality problem that has been with us for centuries. We all deserve a great time here on earth. I feel sorry for women a lot because they often get picked on, weather that's in the media or on the streets.
My only problem with feminism is when some feminists tend to boast that females are generally 'better' than males, and that females undergo more pain in their lifetime. I think this is unfair, and is inconsiderate of what males also have to do.
Feminism should be about equality, not superiority.
2015-12-03 10:40 pm
It is the study of females.
2015-12-03 11:20 pm
Feminism is based on an understanding that women were marginalized throughout history and it has worked to stop the restrictions and discrimination against women to bring them closer towards equality. Feminism is human rights that apply equally to both men and women too.
2015-12-03 11:27 pm
Essential in some parts of the world, totally redundant in the west.
2015-12-03 10:41 pm
Feminism helps you to condone rape

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