Are you a feminist? Why or why not? Please be honest I am doing this for a project in school, your answer will be used for a paper.?

2015-12-03 10:04 pm

回答 (7)

2015-12-04 12:44 am

It's a hate movement.
They don't care about burden of proof.
The ideology doesn't even agree with itself.
Not only is it misandry but it's misogynistic as well.
2015-12-03 10:13 pm
I am not a feminist. I believe men and women should be equal under the law, so I disagree with the many policies pushed by feminists which advantage females, discriminate against males and are not equal. I disagree with the ways feminism strives to limit free speech and deny people proper due process. I also don't like how feminists continually misrepresent the facts such as the pay gap, rape rates, etc. for their agenda.
2015-12-03 10:06 pm
I'm a feminist, because I believe my sister in law, mother, or partner, should be able to walk down the street without getting cat called. Without fear of harassment. They should be able to comfortably go out to a bar, and not have to put on special anti rape drug nail polish.
2015-12-03 10:15 pm
"Are you a feminist? Why or why not? Please be honest I am doing this for a project in school, your answer will be used for a paper.?"

I am not a feminist. The reason? Feminism is a woefully outdated dogmatic ideology that gives us the definition of egalitarianism, but in actuality, is a social engineering movement that does not practice what it preaches.

A feminist is an adherent to the ideology of feminism. ORIGINAL feminism was about gaining legal Rights that were equal to men during a time when this was not the case. That time has long passed.

TODAY, what passes for feminism is ANY difference between the genders, and nothing to do with legal Rights, Opportunities and Freedoms. ALL of which are equally enshrined in law. So in essence, when one is a feminist today, and speaks of equality, they are NOT speaking about legal equality. When they speak about a "level playing field", they are NOT speaking about equal opportunities. And when they claim "oppression" they are not speaking about any lack of freedoms.

What they ARE speaking about is the modern feminist social engineering movement that seeks to equalise our biological outcomes; for women only.

Biological outcomes are a genetic lottery. And it's just as "unfair" (if we want to call it that), for short men, fat men, unattractive men, bald men, low status men and so on. Yet we don't have a social engineering movement for these "minority" or victim class men. So why do we have a taxpayer and corporate elite funded international movement to do this for women??

This question must be answered.

In short, there is NO need for modern feminism in our post equal rights first world. Most of their methods run counter to gender harmony. And I haven't even spoken about the long record of prominent feminists who are documented with their man-hating statements. NONE of which have ever been called out by any mainstream feminist group. And most of which are excused even by self-proclaimed feminists ONLY because they both call themselves "feminist". (see the link).

2015-12-03 10:12 pm
Ideology is in chaos. No one is anything. The postmodern is upon us. Your categories are dead.
2015-12-03 11:08 pm
I'm a feminist and I do not agree with the those who pretend feminism wants advantages for women or hates men. The people who say this do not understand feminist theory and not not probably want to because these people are far from fair when it comes to women - they are usually for MEN ONLY and do not acknowledge the discrimination women still face. They frankly do not give a damn about being fair to women - they ONLY care about keeping men in the top position so attack feminism unjustly.

They are in denial of the facts that show the following:

Women being in the most poverty and the most dire poverty in every single country in the world
Women being only a tiny tiny fraction of the politicians and business leaders (nowhere near 50%).
Women being 90% of the people in the hospital and 3 times the people in the morgue from domestic violence.
Women (especially very young women) being raped in high numbers and getting next to no justice for this violence against them.
2015-12-04 8:23 pm
I'm not a feminist, nor am I an MRA, egalitarian, etc. I'm simply a human being with ideas and thoughts and whatnot. Labeling yourself as a certain group never is good in my opinion. There are things that feminists say that I agree with and there are things they say that I'm disgusted by. Same goes for any other gender based equality group. You can be all for equality, like myself, and not join a cult-like group that'll do more ridiculousness than anything productive. Saying "I'm a feminist" and bitching about men online is pointless. I'd rather drop the labels, seek out equality, and actually do something of value.

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