Is there any Websites to Learn Digital Photography for Beginners ?

2015-12-03 10:16 am

回答 (5)

2015-12-03 10:47 am
Yes there are. Since (nearly) all photography is digital just look for photography websites.

But you don't need them. Take your camera off auto and set the settings yourself. Go out and take lots of photographs. Change the settings and see what happens. Take more photographs. Repeat for 10,000 hours.
2015-12-03 9:52 pm
The basics are the same so even if you hit a site about film, just go with it and ignore everything about developing and printing.
2016-11-03 4:21 pm
Digital Photography Websites
2016-07-14 5:19 pm
Becoming A Better Photographer?
2015-12-04 6:09 am
There are TONS of photo training videos on youtube. Also google for websites.

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