Can I apply for Medicaid while under My mothers insurance ? What are some other options?

2015-12-03 4:04 am
I am currently pregnant and would like my own health insurance. I don't get covered dental or eye coverage on my mothers insurance and I barely get covered for prescriptions. I tried applying for health first and they told me I need my moms pay stubs and she needs to Call her insurance and tell them that she wants to transfer her account. She still hasn't done it and she's talking about putting my baby on her health insurance as well but I rather not because it's to much of a hassle.

回答 (4)

2015-12-03 4:51 am
You must include your mother's income when you apply for welfare. You also must declare whether or not you qualify to be on her health insurance.

Your other option is to buy your own health insurance if you don't want to be on hers. Baby won't be covered on her health insurance unless she legally adopts the child but baby would be covered on yours. Speak with an agent that works with all of the major companies in your area for assistance. There is no charge speaking to an agent.
參考: Independent Ägent
2015-12-03 11:48 am
Sure. ANYONE can apply.

Keep in mind, Medicaid isn't insurance - it's welfare. To qualify, you must include ALL household income - including mom's.

And, mom most likely CANNOT add a grandchild to her health insurance.
2015-12-10 2:10 am
1. Some counties allow you to be on Medicaid and private insurance.
2. If your Mom has insurance and not Medicaid, your baby cannot be covered by her policy.
3. You have to file for child support and purchase a child only policy, since if you are under 26 you can stay on Mom's insurance.
4. If you live with Mom, her income is used to determine eligibility for Medicaid and it might be too high, esp if you also have income.

Go to your state insurance exchange and purchase a low deductible high premium policy. Your premiums will be subsidized.
2015-12-03 4:39 am
You can apply for medicaid.
Medicaid is a form of welfare. It's based on household income. If you live with your parent(s), they will be required to provide income information. If it's over the income threshold, you won't be approved.

Your mother can't put your child on her insurance unless she is the child's legal guardian.

I just don't get it... the child isn't even born yet and you already want the tax payers to support the child. If you can't afford it, why are you having the child. There are plenty of people who would be thrilled to adopt the child, since can't afford it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:31:16
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