high school makes me wanna kill myself?

2015-12-03 2:39 am
i m in my first year of highschool and im literally going nuts. i have people harassing me every day, people treating me like i m stupid, and i m failing math. my mom causes me so much stress she pushes me every day to do better in math but the more she pushes me the more i just wanna die. highschool is making me so unmotivated to just do anything anymore and i m not believing in myself as much anymore and i m not as happy as i used to be and theres only like 7/2000 people at my school that don t hate me. i just hate it so much and i know so many people who feel the same and it s so messed up that highschool does this to people but it just does and i don t know what to do. i feel so trapped in my own life right now.

回答 (9)

2015-12-03 2:45 am
i'm in high school too. I'm not sure what exactly you are going through, when someone is mean to me, I simply just kindly talk to them and move away. when you are in a bad mood, you would diss people and would be in a bad mood. that is exactly what they are doing. you never know what they are going through for them to behave like that. when someone is even more mean, be even nicer.
and for math, try khan academy. it's a website I use when I have trouble with my homework.
And be happy. High school isn't gonna last forever, so you might as well enjoy it.
2015-12-03 2:40 am
Calm down.
Study and ignore everyone
2015-12-04 2:51 am
Trying focusing more on your goals, dreams and interests. Practice tuning others out and you'll feel much better.
2015-12-03 3:32 pm
-First, tell your Mom how you are feeling. Let her know you are doing your best and you need her to help you.
-Get a tutor for math, or take a different math class. Sometimes students take the more difficult class when they would do better in a normal class. We took our daughter out of the advanced math classes because she had homework that never ended.
-Remember that people will make fun of EVERYONE. You need to ignore this and find a couple people you like and get along with. Ignore the rest. This is their "hobby" and you cannot give them the satisfaction of responding to them. They will eventually stop doing this if you don't let it get to you: no response, no fun for them.
-Join a club that features an interest of yours within the school, or join an activity outside of school that you find of interest.
-Have people over to study with so it is easier, and fun, too.

Don't let these people get to you. They will make fun of literally anything: too fat, too skinny (that was me), too perfect, too imperfect, too rich, too poor, geeky, not geeky. This builds their confidence, but not the one who thinks it is real. It isn't real, so take it as such.
2015-12-03 3:31 am
aww im sorry, huggy i dont know if ur willing to hear me or not but god is testing us to care about everyone purley love god and love good poeple who care when its hard if u ever need a friend or need some company or idk [email protected] but dont share name city etc onlien an keep a good pw ok?tel a teacher aobut th harasment an pressure
2015-12-03 3:25 am
In 3 1/2 years you'll be done with that. It might seem like a long time, but it isn't. It'll be over before you know it, and you'll be able to do whatever you want.
2015-12-03 2:44 am
You're too easy. Stop fighting it and just do what you have to do. We have to until we are grown up to take care of ourselves. Persevere
2015-12-03 2:41 am
Instead of worrying what people think of you, just do your math homework. You ll save time and you won t be procrastinating.
Also, high school gets better when you get used to it. Calm down and take things one at a time.
2015-12-03 4:30 am

It sounds like you are really going through a lot right now. Things may seem overwhelming, but nothing is worth killing yourself over! When you start having thoughts of suicide or feel unsafe, it is important to get help by talking with someone you trust. Talk with a teacher at school or even a counselor if you can. You can also call a hotline like Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or even 911 if you need immediate help.

You may have symptoms of depression because of all of these stressors at school. Depression can affect you in many ways including your sleep, interaction with others, mood, and can even make you feel suicidal. These feelings can be hard to cope with on your own and talking with someone could help. Sometimes those around you may not even know how depressed you are feeling and that you are considering suicide. Though you may not be able to tell your mom how stressed you are, it is important to seek out help in order to keep from hurting yourself.

Doing something you enjoy could help too. Activities like working out, journaling, listening to music, or reading a book can help you relax and get your mind off these thoughts. Take time to try these activities to see if they help.

Whatever you plan to do, please keep reaching out and take care!

TM, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline -- Available 24/7 at 1-800-448-3000 -- Teens and Young Adults -- Check out www.yourlifeyourvoice.org

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