請問如果在繁忙街道不小心碰撞到女士, 佢告我非禮, 警察信佢, 要我保釋, 我可以點樣?

2015-12-03 2:09 am

回答 (2)

2015-12-03 10:28 am
You are mixing issues up.

1. Posting bail does not mean the police trust the "victim". It is simply a standard procedure.

In fact, in many instances, the police will require persons of interest to post bail.

2. You are a suspect for now. The police still needs to acquire legal opinion from the Department of Justice to press charge.

3. Indecent assault is difficult to prove. At the minimum, the police will need additional evidence for the prosecution. A victim's own recollection is not enough.
2015-12-03 7:24 am

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