My daughter is too picky? How do we punish her?

2015-12-02 11:49 pm
My 11yr old daughter is to picky...and I cant pack her the expensive lunches she wont eat. Im NOT a troll. I promise...Im just really not sure how to handle this so please give me some advice. She wont eat
-Dairy-Eggs-meat (except Pork Chops and Steak)
-Cheese (Except Fresh Mozzerella)-Vegetables-Mexican Food-Pasta-Bread (except Crossaints)
-Oatmeal-Fish(she has NO allergies)
I cant afford the time or money to make her a Steak and Fresh Mozzerella on Crossaint or cook pork chops for her to bring EVERY DAY. So I started making her buy hot lunch and all she has is Apple Juice.Whenever I make a dinner that my husband and I and my 7 year old son want...she has a fit. She once knocked the plate with food off thetable. Well last night she wouldnt eat.I have never punished her ever but this was ENOUGH. I shoved her face in her fettucini alfredo and had my husband snap a photo...i had no idea what to do because I cant take it or afford it anymore. Shes always insulting my cooking and is being so annoying. So every night she doesnt eat dinner...we make her sit at the table for 2 hours and if she still wont eat...we smear it and take a photo. We put the photos on a wall called "The picky eater wall". I have to send her the thing she likes daily tho bc I cant starve her. Anyways, we developed a photo of her with oatmeal in her hair and hung it...and shes terrified to look at me or come to the table now.Why is she terrified?Am I being a good parent?Wht do I do to make her eat?

回答 (6)

2015-12-03 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let's not make this "food thing" the hill we want to die on!

Let's have a frank discussion with your daughter and determine exactly what she will eat at a family meal. Perhaps she can cook her own food. Or you can come up with a menu from which she will eat.

Frankly, I think she is using this "food thing" to get some control in the family. Your reaction of putting her face into the food and taking a photo is definitely playing right into her hand! This "picky-eater" situation has taken on a life of its own!

How about we just ignore it for awhile. You cook a delicious and nutritional meal. She can eat it or not. If she chooses not to big deal! Ignore it. Let it go. (She won't starve to death!)

The sooner you stop validating her "picky eating," the sooner it will stop.

From now on, just ignore her complaints about dinner. She will eat when she is hungry.

Let's just ignore it for awhile and see what happens.
2015-12-03 9:42 pm
Troll Talk: "Im NOT a troll. I promise"

Translation to English: I'm the biggest troll on the planet and I'm not even a good one.
2015-12-03 12:52 am
I would be scared smeared food on your daughter and took a photo of it! If I was in ur situation I would've said don't want the food? Fine cook your own. Instead of smearing it on her. If she doesn't want the food leave it out once she gets hungry she'll come to her senses
2015-12-03 3:56 am
I dislike saying this, but frankly she's a spoilt brat. Do not give in to her demands, it's time you put a stop to it or she'll become worse as the years roll on. Children are smarter than we think. Instead of loosing your cool, just leave her and she'll eat when she's really hungry and don't for one second feel sorry, she knows you're a pushover and prey's on it. I'm a grandmother.
2015-12-03 2:02 am
Is the 14 year old picky, too?
參考: you
2015-12-03 12:36 am
Time to talk to the Dr and get some counselling for both of you.

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