Wedding theme Idea?

2015-12-02 10:06 pm
So my fiance and I are getting married in March...we met at a Taco Bell 3 years ago and when we went on our 3 month anniversary we went to Taco Bell and he must have arranged earlier because instead of getting my Quesarito the server bought me one of those "will you marry me" taco Bell hot sauce packets...i turned around and saw him holding the ring...kneeled and i screamed yes! Anyways, Taco bell is a BIG deal in our we wanna have a Live Mas themed wedding. The flower girl will throw Cinnamon twists instead of flowers and at the buffet were gonna order tons of taco bell food. We think 100 Beef Quesaritos 100 Chicken Quesaritos, 300 Doritos Locos Tacos, 200 Plain Tacos, Chips and Guac, and much more. the invatation says
Get Ready to Live Más
at Shila and Bryans Wedding
March 8th 2016
Please wear mexican attire.

Waddaya think? Any other ideas

回答 (9)

2015-12-03 4:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
lol, I'll bite.

WTF is "Mexican attire"? That's a good way to offend people.

If you want to have a casual wedding, fine, but make sure that the buffet includes something for vegetarians. Plus a plain baked chicken dish or something, since Taco Bell can wreak havoc on people's digestive systems.

Also, Taco Bell is not actually Mexican food. It's fast food. REAL Mexican food would be a nice menu.

Why would the flower girl waste food by throwing cinnamon sticks?

Better idea: Plan a regular menu, and offer the Taco Bell stuff as a late-night snack near the end of the reception. That would probably go over quite well.
2015-12-02 10:30 pm
Funnier than the usual troll offerings on this site.
2015-12-03 9:46 am
REALLY? Save it for another party..This is your wedding and should be elegant and romantic...PLEASE..
2015-12-03 4:53 am
I think colleges must be on winter break already? Lovely idea, felicidades! (Just throwing some latin flair into your taco wedding).
2015-12-03 7:41 pm
"So my fiance and I are getting married in March." you're not.

Besides, any self respecting Taco Bell wedding would be featuring crunchy supreme gorditas, not quesaritos, which taste and look like rat vomit.

Work on your details. They don't add up.
2015-12-03 2:51 am
I think it's overkill and better used for a birthday or other party theme. "Wear Mexican attire" - really??
2015-12-02 10:38 pm
You NEED one of those stuffed chihuahua dogs that say "yo quiero Taco Bell". So when you're supposed to say I DO you can squeeze the dog to say "yo quiero Taco Bell".
2015-12-04 12:18 am
I'm getting indigestion just thinking about food from Taco Bell.
2015-12-02 10:10 pm
Don't forget the mexican pizza
2015-12-02 10:36 pm
2015-12-02 10:19 pm
This is the funniest thing I've read all day, awesome idea.

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