Did my risk of miscarriage decrease ?

2015-12-02 5:44 pm
I'm currently pregnant & I've finally made it to twelve weeks with NO complications at all so I'm feeling pretty confident . I've had 3 previous pregnancies and I've had spotting and complications with all of them and I've never made it to 12 weeks. I had a appointment today and the heart beat was strong and everything was perfect.

回答 (3)

2015-12-02 5:49 pm
Yep. After the first trimester, the risk goes down quite a bit. That's not a guarantee that everything will be fine, but you have a much better chance of making it to term at this point. Good luck to you.
2015-12-02 7:44 pm
i believe its 25% chance of miscarriage in the first trimester, and once u hit 12 weeks the miscarriage rate drops to 2% i worried about this two when i was pregnant with my son and daughter, but they ended up fine they are now 2 and 6. my mom had multiple miscarriages before me and they told her there was an 85% chance that she would lose me, but here i am! i believe the baby is gonna be fine and u will have beautiful healthy one :-)
2015-12-02 7:01 pm
Even when they can just see the heartbeat at 8 weeks, your risk drops to nearly zero. So I think the odds are good that this one will make it. I hope your doctor tested you for any conditions that could have caused the 3 losses. Good luck to you and your baby.

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