What grade would i be in, in America?

2015-12-02 8:30 am
I am 14, my birthday is september the 7th 2001.

I go to school in Australia and am going into year 9 in 2016. I might be moving to America, so i am wondering what grade i'd be in for next year (2016).

What is the cut off date in Massachusetts?

回答 (15)

2015-12-02 5:37 pm
One big difference in America is that our school years are split between two calendar years (rather than just going from January to December), due to the seasons being different than in the eastern hemisphere. Usually it's between late August or early September to late May or early June. So next school year, for example, would run from August/September 2016 to May/June 2017. Also, we don't get as many breaks throughout the school year as you probably do in Australia, which is why we have such a long summer break in between school years.

Anyway, with a September birthday, you'd usually be the oldest in your grade, but it would depend on the cut off date for starting school in your state (since there isn't a national cut off, each state can set their own). For example, 15 is the general age for starting 10th grade, but most states say you have to turn 15 before September 1st (or in some states it's even earlier, like August 1st). So that means since you turn 15 on September 7, 2016, you just miss the cut off and would go into 9th grade. But then there are some places like New York where the cut off actually isn't until December 31. So there, you would make it into 10th grade. But then again, since you're older and at the high school level, I would think that they might place you in a grade based on what you've completed so far in your home country rather than your birthday.
2015-12-03 2:31 am
I live in America. You will be in 9th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. Don't worry😊
2015-12-05 9:53 pm
If you were to move here in january 2O16, Then You would probably be in 8th grade still, since i think year 9 is the same. But if you were to come here over the summer in june, then you would be starting school as a freshman in high school in august/ or early september of 2O16. My birthday is September 28, 2001, and so I think you would be in the same grade as i would since our age and birthday are relatively close. It all just depends, but I hope this helped.
2015-12-02 12:36 pm
You'll be going into 9th grade (high school) for the 2016-2017 school year.
2015-12-02 8:35 am
You'd be ninth grade now, going into tenth for the the '16 '17 school year. It would be interesting to know if you are studying the same things our ninth tenth graders are. You will probably have to take placement tests to make sure you are at grade level. So study hard this year! Good luck.
2015-12-05 6:12 am
You'll be starting highschool in 9th grade (freshman) next school year.
2015-12-05 2:16 am
Year 9 is Grade 8 in America
Year 10 is Grade 9 in America.
2015-12-04 4:19 am
probably 9th or 10th grade...
2015-12-04 3:49 am
You could possibly be in tenth. My friend is your age and she is in tenth grade this year. If not, ninth grade is a definite. I guess it depends on what location you move to.
2015-12-03 11:24 pm
same, grade 9
2015-12-03 10:57 pm
It depends on your parents decision. With your birthday, you could be in 9th or 10th grade (freshman or sophomore). It would depend on if your parents thought you were ready to go to school early or not.
2015-12-03 10:56 pm
You'll be in 9th grade!
2015-12-03 10:48 pm
It depends on what state you are going to live in. Most states you would be in 9th grade (freshman/usually your first year of high school), but in some states where the cutoff date is later, you could be in 10th grade (sophomore/2nd year of high school)
2015-12-03 4:42 am
You would probably be in grade 9.
2015-12-02 8:45 am
it would be the same

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