12 angry men paper ..homewok help!?

2015-12-02 3:14 am
is anyone has seen the film 12 angry men can you please help..

i need to identify 6 or more social psychology theories and concepts within the film. I need to take 6 examples from the film to match it to one of these theories:
Social Perception,social influence,social interaction,external influences,social comparison, cognitive dissonance, false, consensus theory, social identity theory,dispsitional attribution ,situational attribution,leadership style, group norms,group think negativity bias... the list goes on but there is some theories i can choose from!

can anyone give me examples using the theories and example from the movie.


回答 (2)

2015-12-02 3:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cognitive dissonance: When there's only 4-5 guys saying not guilty, some of the guys are unwilling to admit that he's innocent despite the evidence the minority is suggesting. This is because of cognitive dissonance. Two thoughts -that the man could be innocent and that they don't want to prolong this trial -conflict each other. Social influence: because the majority is voting guilty, and it just seems like an easy, obvious answer, to avoid conflict and standing out from the crowd, everyone just votes guilty. In group, out group: Some of the people in "guilty" group form an idea of in-group among themselves, thinking that the out-group (those who vote not guilty) is the enemy. Only three. Hopefully others will do other 3
2015-12-02 1:38 pm
Seems like a big, substantial assignment. No way to quick-answer it here. You may have to actually read and understand the social theories, then view the movie again with those in mind. It will be some work.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:32:49
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