I have smoked hookah 8 times but have stopped now?

2015-12-01 8:39 pm
I was just asking that I have completely stopped smoking any from of tabacco and will I face any sort of consequence in my later life

回答 (4)

2015-12-01 9:47 pm
You may anger the tobacco God, Phillip Morris.
2015-12-01 8:40 pm
you probably already have cancer, youre fucked
2015-12-01 8:42 pm
Aside from the cancer that will appear in a few years? The damage is done.
2015-12-01 8:44 pm
If you've never been arrested for it, no. Since you've stopped, you will no longer be affecting your loved ones and your friends around you, but chances are, you will not look back on that part of life in the future saying, "Man, that was a fun time in my life haha! :)" No. That's not the way it is. Congratulations on being able to stop. For some people, it takes a lifetime.

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