Reoccurring dream about a hidden room?

2015-12-01 7:42 am
I am 24 and have had this same dream several times in the last couple years. I am in some house and I go through this cubby area and lift a small door and climb through it. In there is a good sized room and some of my belongings not organized just all over the place. In my dream I feel as if I am panicking and my brother is following me into that room trying to help me to pack my things in a hurry but nothing is really getting done no matter how much we do. Can anyone tell me what this dream might mean. Only serious answers please. Thank you.

回答 (3)

2015-12-02 11:54 am
When you dream of being in a house it usually represents your mind or inner self.
Other people usually represent aspects of yourself.
Perhaps you feel that you have an aspect of your inner self hidden away in a place not readily accessible.
Maybe to keep it out of your own view as well as others.
But now you are feeling compelled to bring it out & deal with it all but find your efforts have not been very effective.
I hope this was helpful.
Many Blessings!
2015-12-01 3:33 pm
The hidden room is your life. Your priorities are out of order. You can't do anything to correct this problem. This dream is from God. He can remove the clutter and straighten out your life if you let Him. He sent His son to die for your sins. If you accept Him as savior, He can straighten out your life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:33:24
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