If Bernie Sanders was elected, would he be strong enough to create and lead a coalition with Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia against ISIS?

2015-12-01 4:33 am
I m rather curious due to his stance that the U.S. should isolate from Putin, dealing with ISIS should create and lead a coalition with Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia and what are Bernie s plans if he works with Putin.

回答 (4)

2015-12-01 4:34 am
If Bernie Sanders got elected pigs would fly and anything would be possible. LOL
2015-12-01 7:08 pm
Bernie is a working class man with a high intellect. He has been in Congress over 20 years. He has lot of experience with foreign countries. He couldnt possibly have said Russia should be isolated. Some stupid people think that is already a fact but Putin is the most influential person in the world. I hope he would never talk to Saudi wretches. Bernie is a leftist and he would work so well with Russia. The U.S. cannot function without Russian help in Central Asia. Russians are smart and tough in the face of adversity.
2015-12-01 4:54 am
Military actions cannot fix the middle east. Further military action will only make things worse. The only thing that will fit the middle east is secular education.

America should also cut ties with Saudi Arabia, and remove their royal family.
2015-12-01 4:44 am
No, but Bernie could write a low quality porn story about a coalition. Would that count?

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