
2015-11-30 11:09 pm
我昨日去應徵一份工,ABC Company請左我,但係我聽漏左一d關於我職責既細節。宜家我發覺份工唔米咁岩我,想離職,但係我覺得到了傍晚放工時才向我上司講離職較為恰當。想問問我宜家講"I have been working for ABC Company."

回答 (2)

2015-12-01 4:47 am
The present perfect continuous=may continue in the future.Or does not indicate the possibility of continuation in the future.(present perfect)
eg:-I have been working for 1 day for ABC Co.;
Contrast this sentence with 3 present perfect:-
I have worked for ABC & quit now in disgust;
eg:-----& quit in the evening.
eg:-----& quit work when the details known.
You have been working for ABC Company since the Interview(=having obtained an Interview) with the ABC Company yesterday !
2015-12-01 5:55 am

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