Did God want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge?

2015-11-30 6:01 pm
Whoever can answer this is very smart. I've been thinking; Adam and Eve were humans right?... and the human body consists of various features such as the immune system; mucus in our trachea; scabs; acid on our tears etc. All of these are used for protecting the body from dangers such as pathogens and viruses. This means that Adam and Eve had all these features since they were human. Everything was perfect before the fruit was eaten so those features wouldn't be necessary. We wouldn't have had them for no reason so I think it was his plan to eat the fruit.

回答 (27)

2015-12-02 7:15 am
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According to Islam, God never wanted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree, but being Omniscient, God knew that Adam and Eve would disobey Him and would eat from the tree from which God commanded them not to(sin). But He merely allowed/permitted Adam and Eve to sin which they did by their own freewill, because the 'sin' served as a cause to fulfill Gods actual plan which was to create mankind on earth from just a single pair of Adam and Eve, and to put them to a strenuous 'Test of Belief and Faith'..

And this was why all those features that you mentioned were necessary.

Does this make sense now?

Read Islam
2015-11-30 6:06 pm
Well god could have just killed Adam and Eve and reran the garden of Eden experiment with say Sam and Jessica
2015-11-30 6:08 pm
The funny thing is, I actually really like the creation story, at a symbolic level! I think it's a VERY interesting and insightful tale, that we could potentially derive a whole lot of wisdom from...

The problem is when people try to take it completely literally! Because if you read it that way, it doesn't make any sense. And it goes contrary to science, and scientific discoveries about the world, which is an obvious issue...

Either way, though, in a metaphorical sense: YES, I think we were supposed to eat the fruit! Because otherwise, this whole crazy, beautiful adventure never could have happened... And God would not have been able to learn about itself, and try to see itself through apparent opposites, in the way that it is currently taking place! :)

..I think also, we were always supposed to return back home, though. Everything is still one, at the most basic level, in spite of the fact that we've temporarily forgotten. And I think that's what the spiritual path is all about.. At least MY spiritual path, anyway. Gradually remembering, and returning, and letting go of our current attachments, as perceived through the lens of separation. :)
2015-11-30 6:09 pm
The Bible (especially Genesis) is nothing but a shameless promotion of ignorance...
2015-11-30 6:05 pm
I think God situated the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden there deliberately. Adam and Eve had two commandments; Be fruitful and multiply, and don't have anything to do with that latter tree. They failed to stay away from that tree.
2015-12-01 6:50 am
to paraphrase your Q ... did God want adam n eve to SIN ? gosh, NO, NO, NEVER
2015-12-01 4:39 am
If you had a lot full of brand new cars and you told a trusted friend that he could drive any one he wanted, except for the green one, are you doing anything wrong? Do you have something to hide or is there something special about the green one?

No because its your lot, your cars and you're being generous with your friend. Then what if the friend took the car anyway? That's essentially what happened in Eden. God didn't want them partaking of that tree because it represented his right as Creator to set standards for them. It wasn't their right.
2015-11-30 11:27 pm
We are God's children and there is a plan for us to gain the attributes and joy that God has. This requires us to live in this fallen world where we can learn from our experiences. Life can be tough but is strong medicine.

God knew that Adam would partake of the fruit, but since God is perfect and would not cause the fall and because he does not mess with our freedom to choose, the fall of Adam had to be by Adam's choice.

Similar principles apply to the atonement. God is perfectly just. Therefore if a law is broken, it must receive a penalty. A perfect God cannot forgive without payment of the debt. As silly as this might seem to us, this is why someone had to pay for Adams transgression. We mortals might have forgiven the debt without payment and justice is not satisfied.
2015-11-30 8:47 pm
Who did Cain or Abel have sex with? Eve?
2015-11-30 8:12 pm
God didn't plan for us, gave us a choice, and we took it! and for your information our body adapts itself with the living situation, we're evolving all the time(not from an animal to a human of course!)
2015-11-30 7:32 pm
God knew that they would. God knew what would happen. It was his will.

You know the saying about captivity & love ? If you love something set it free, if it returns to you then it is yours ? I think this is why God allowed us to fall. God created Adam & Eve perfect. They knew no evil, they only loved what they knew. So God set them free by letting them be exposed to sin. Now, they had a choice to either flee from God or choose to come back to God. When we come back to God, God knows it's because we truly love him. We're not coming to him because we have to but because we want to. Now we are truly his.
2015-11-30 7:08 pm
The fruit was just a symbol to see if they were going to be obedient to Jehovah or not
2015-11-30 6:47 pm
If think God may have wanted to see if they would keep his commandments even if they were to be tempted by evil.
Maybe it was a test, and obviously they failed
2015-11-30 6:33 pm
Well, you're way off because in Adam and Eve's time there were no scabs or illness or mucus or a weak immune system, remember...There was only perfection. And God only wanted for Adam and Eve to live in perfection....But he also knew that he created man to think for himself and God knew because of that mankind would be flawed and sin and disobey and with all that "free Will" look where we ended up. First man was intended to live forever...If you think about it that's how we will end up in Heaven...We will all live in bliss and contentment and happiness and love...
2015-11-30 6:24 pm
What really was that "tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil"?

--> Moral judgement on actions, so that carefree innocence is.....gone....

Example: a lion does not morally judge whether to kill another lion, instead they act on instinct and mood. But, with "knowledge of good and evil", then there's that wonderful/terrible restriction that your actions are judged.

Thus, many actions are no longer carefree. Paradise is thus lost.

Did God know they would eat the fruit? Probably, though in fact He hasn't told us in scripture that *individual* humans are 100% predictable! (though some individuals in scripture *thought* that we are....but God Himself hasn't said so explicitly in scripture. Instead He says He knows our ways....not the same as individual predictability.

So, yes, it would seem God prepared human bodies to survive many of the vagaries of nature.
2015-11-30 6:21 pm
No, but obviously When He created them, He created them in full humanity, with the free will to choose to obey and love their creator, or disobey. He knew the full ramifications of His decision to create out of love. By the way, the 'fruit' mentioned is the 'knowledge of good and evil' and we all know people by the 'fruits' they bear my friend, some good and some bad.
2015-11-30 6:18 pm
What your saying is in fact true about the human body but Adam and Eve ate that fruit on their own, it wasn't planned, they fell into temptation. Gensis 3:3 states "3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die" Here you can see God said you must not eat from that one tree or they will die. God only gave them one rule to follow, but they instead did not listen. God created the earth for people to enjoy life, not to hurt people. Meaning how Satan is mad with God he is trying everything in his power to harm people that loves God or want to serve him. You can also see how this was a test from God for Adam and Eve to see how much faith and trust they had in God, but you can see that they have very little meaning how they caused us to be imperfect, causing us to die, causing the earth to have all these bad plants, death, etc.
2015-11-30 6:16 pm
Everything that ever happens or has ever happened is exactly as god planned it.
2015-11-30 6:11 pm
No. Notice it is not unttil AFTER they ate that God told the of His plan of salvation. If they had not sinned, then the whole war would be over. It was NOT about the fruit, but about their trusting in God for the truth of how to live. Same as today.
2015-11-30 6:07 pm
The fruit was just symbolism for good and evil knowledge.
2015-11-30 6:05 pm
2015-11-30 6:05 pm
you WISH you were immortal, you WISH everything was perfect. Guess what? You blew it!
2015-11-30 6:04 pm
I believe they were meant to. I believe it has to do with freewill instead of mindless robots that follow orders. For example: If the book of Enoch is mentioned in Jude, then I believe that gives me permission to read it and try to understand it.
2015-11-30 6:04 pm
The 'original sin' story is an attempt to rectify the supposed existence of a 'perfect god' who would only be capable of 'perfect creation' and a demonstrably 'imperfect' human race.

It couldn't have been 'his' fault, so it had to have been ours.
2015-11-30 9:22 pm
According to Islamic ideology God tested Adam knowing full well that Adam would Sin.God's wish was to test the whole of humanity so it seems he created the tree in the first place as well as the rule not the eat of it because he knew Adam would fail and then would be cast by God Himself to the earth.Of course We are not being punished for the Sins of Adam and Eve but we are simply on this earth as a consequence of their sin.
參考: Peace
2015-11-30 7:06 pm
A different angle, a loving and all knowing "father" creates an inquisitive life form and then places temptation within it's grasp knowing the condition of it's creation. Then it chastises it's creation for it's shortsightedness. Now how does that make sense!
2015-11-30 6:05 pm
Even the pope admits this was a fictional story, older than the Jews, it was a campfire myth probably started by the Sumerians, that Moses would have heard as a child. It's like Little Red Riding Hood. What it's talking about is drugs, probably mushrooms or opium, or just alcohol, drugs in general. It's about listening to your parents, it's a similar child's story public service announcement fairy tale as hell.

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