不好意思 我現在是高二生 最近有場即席英文演講比賽 請問在上台準備的前五分鐘 應該在心中擬一份稿嗎?? 如果只要構思想法的話 又擔心在台上無法正確的組織 向各位高手求解謝謝?

2015-11-30 2:56 pm

回答 (3)

2015-11-30 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In your wei-cheng Chien 5 min talk oral conversation:-
you are using argumentative,descriptive only mainly.
Whole process involves much hard work in memory,recite 2 essays topics beforehand.
You must have mechanical accuracy,vocab,syntax, content, Arrangement of Material (2 copies recited beforehand)
oral must be well arranged without introduction or conclusion,But middle with rounding C/E translation (2 model answers brforehand)
Show your Originality,a good grasp of the topic=logically presented orally=good adequate linkage between paragraphs(2 para beforehand)

Information used come from your own Reading Experience or from Political Reading magazines beforehand(=2 copies-bks)
Don't lack the fluency of style,planning and originality of good ideas beforehand(=2 bks,or paras)
Your general impression and uses=usage from your wide experience on the subject matters, ideas, arrangement, vocab, and Descriptive Or Argumentative Techniques+ Own Opinions +experience, impressions, feelings and interests.within your own English talking Experience.
eg:-can English Choi be elected head of government in TW ROC ?
eg:-can she become head of some govt departments?
eg:-can she use Board of Trade to do Buz with Red China?
eg:-What's her duties in the presidential election in the election year (both usa+TW?)
Can she ask help from Sui-pin Chen-former president?
Can she fail to National Party?
What happen if she failed to meet Chairman Chee-chin-ping People's Republic of China?
Is she behave very badly and very old in age ?
2015-12-01 5:56 am
2015-12-07 3:28 pm
thanks, but it would be better if you could type it in Chinese~

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