while 不是也可當連接詞 表 當 的意思?

2015-11-30 2:17 pm
Tea was introduced to Europe in the early 1600s, ____ trade began between Europe and the Far East.
A. when B. while
答是 A
為什麼不能用 while
while 不是也可當連接詞 表 當 的意思

回答 (3)

2015-12-01 1:05 am
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Trade began between Europe and the Far East.所表示的是一個過去的起點,不是過程,所以不能用表示「在那段期間」的連接詞while。也就是說其動詞begin是𣊬間動詞,在發生的當下就結束了,不用進行式。但可以用表示「在那時」的when。
2015-11-30 6:24 pm
when interroga. adv=at what time; on what occasion;
relative adv:-eg:-with day, time,,etc as antecedent at or on which
eg:-It was in 1600 when tea was introduced.(rel. adv)
Hence :-eg:-Tea was introduced to Europe in the early 1600s, (when) trade began between Europe and the Far East.
while conjunction;eg:-Trade began while Tea was introduced to Europe.
2015-12-01 5:58 am
when 更合適
: during the time that

—used to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different

: in spite of the fact that
Full Definition of WHILE

a : during the time that <take a nap while I'm out>
b : as long as <while there's life there's hope>
a : when on the other hand : whereas <easy for an expert, while it is dangerous for a novice>
b : in spite of the fact that : although <while respected, he is not liked>
: similarly and at the same time that <while the book will be welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader — British Book News>

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