I'm wanting to ask a question to the teens growing up in today's society today. In your answers I'm looking for a explanation.?

2015-11-30 5:56 am
You teens today how do you teens, be able to Cope with life today? (Ie, medal detectors, terrorist attacks, school shootings, diseases, war...?)

回答 (9)

2015-11-30 7:08 pm
The Internet is our distraction.
2015-12-19 1:39 am
We cling to one thing and try to forget all the crap going on in this world
2015-12-15 6:44 am
I don't even have to worry about any of that. I don't think about it. and I don't keep up with all that bull ****
2015-12-01 10:40 pm
Nothing like that happens near me, so I'm never affected.
2015-12-01 5:40 am
Things happen. It's human nature, I suppose. We're just supposed to be the ones to fix it, after all we have this "technology".
2015-12-01 3:36 am
2015-12-01 3:10 am
This has been going on for ages so I'm alright
2015-11-30 8:30 pm
It's defiantly harder than others probably had it. Instead of being able to go to school by foot you can't help about what weirdo is going to try to rape you on your way to school. You just sit and watch the 6:00 news with your mom and notice everything that happens. You have to depend everything on how you look. Its truly horrifying.
2015-11-30 6:27 am
Children, teens have always had to deal with those things. The difference today is the media. Everything is shown. Education is key but not all people have the same chances depending where you live. A change is needed but where do people go from there?

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