Super low GPA. But a perfect SAT Score.?

2015-11-30 5:09 am
Hey There! I am an SAT International Applicant. The b here are tough. Like tough as hell. I scored an Ugly 2.3 GPA (I got 77 Percent in my Highschool, when you convert it to GPAs it is an upsetting 2.3). But I also have been an active participant in Extra Curricullars like Interschool Debates, Anchoring for events, other competitions etc. However, I perfected my SAT scores to "compensate" my low scores. I got a 2400 on 2400 in My attempt at SAT. What I want to know is.. Will I make it to the good Colleges ? Or do I stand nowhere ? I had to ask this because, I am scared for my future, will my School perxentages ruin everything for me ?

回答 (2)

2015-11-30 5:11 am
Public schools that have a minimum requirement in gpa cannot accept you, but private schools such as Harvard or Yale can accept anyone, so give privates a try
2015-11-30 3:22 pm
I disagree with PC. There are top notch public school and top notch private schools. And not so good public schools and not so good private schools.
The difference is public universities get funding from the US government, private schools do not. That is it.
No public schools do not have a minimum GPA required. All US university do have an average GPA of incoming freshman, so you can get an idea of what GPA it will take to get in. You will find that a few students with lower GPA do get accepted.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:29:08
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