How many days in a month do you ovulate?

2015-11-30 12:04 am
Might be a stupid question. But anyway, my app on my phone. Just too see when I ovulate and what time I get my period,right. Says that I ovulate twice a month.. But I'm pretty sure this month I ovulated 4 times. First it was this white sticky colour with a tinge of yellow. Then it was just white. But just like thick and of small amounts. Then it comes out following like white. Oh and I just about forgot. Also it can be watery, like clear. With a tinge of white.... Or what do I only ovulate twice a month. And the rest of the time I'm fertile.... I'm confused

回答 (4)

2015-12-20 4:29 am
2015-11-30 2:13 am
Ovulation is a split second event, generally occurring only once per cycle. You are fertile up to about five days prior to this ovulation because sperm can live that long, and up to about 12-24 hours after ovulation because the egg can live that long.

You had more than one LH surge, which is normal. Not every LH surge results in ovulation. Apps are utterly useless in determining fertility.
2015-11-30 2:06 am
Helene is right. You will only ovulate once a month. Those signs that you are noting are the reason that most women don't really know when they are ovulating. Well that is happening to you. Also that app is a predictive app which relies on you putting in the first that that your period starts. Also you should only have one app going. Another thing that you should be doing is marking the first day of your menses on an actual physical calendar. That way if you tracked it for several months, you would get an idea of when on average your period should start. When you have that estimated date of your future perio, you subtract 14 days from the next expected period, and that is the day that you would really ovulate. If you had sex a few days before and right up to that date, you would have a very good chance of getting pregnant. As for your app, Helene is correct, it may be faulty, or the data is being entered is faulty. It could go either way because you don't expect doctors to actually be programming apps for cell phones. It might be a good idea to try a different ovulation predictor app, that way if there is an issues with the app, a change could take care of that issue. Good luck.
2015-11-30 12:31 am
An app is only as good as the information you put into it. Your input must not have been very good, because (a) an app can't do anything but give statistical averages, and (b) ovulating twice in one month is an ANOMALY, which an app cannot address since it only gives statistical averages.

99+% of the time, people ovulate ONCE per cycle. The egg lives for one day. You are considered fertile for the five days before and one day after. Ovulation discharge is not white or yellow. It is clear and the consistency of raw egg whites.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:29:22
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