Broken knuckle?

2015-11-29 10:52 pm
I stubbed my toe and punched a wall because of the pain (ironic, I know). My middle knuckle on my right hand is really swollen and bruised. I can't see a deformity because it's too swollen and I can't see if it's sunk. Bear in mind I only did it about 15 minutes ago. I can make a fist and straighten my hand, and it's not too painful to do so. But there is a constant pain which feels like a sharp, shooting pain. Any advice would help. Thank you :)

回答 (1)

2015-11-29 11:16 pm
The only advice is obvious. Don't do it again and take a painkiller such as paracetamol if you need to.

You're not in a lot of pain and have a full range of movement, so a break is most unlikely and if there are hairline fractures the treatment is the same as for a bruise which is the most likely result. Bruises tend to hurt. Sometimes a lot.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:28:35
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