I cannot seem to convince myself that if I don t study I ll become a homeless man, or a poor ******* that is barely able to pay rent.?

2015-11-29 8:25 pm
my brain is always contradicting itself. when I tell myself that if I don t study, I ll have a bad job, and a bad life full of stress, but my stupid brain does y seem to be able to register this. Even ,my parents keep telling me the same thing. I m doing good in school, but I save everything till the last minuet because I make myself think that I don t have to do it. I hate this! It s really hard for me to change this for some reason. what should I do?

回答 (4)

2015-11-30 7:46 am
Cut out all the 17th century dancing!
2015-11-29 11:13 pm
You can't convince yourself, because it's not true, so your brain is calling you out for being full of ..it.

Instead of trying to 'scare' yourself into studying, why not use a constructive, or positive approach, instead of 'having to, or else...', why not do something because it's great to know, great to be skilled, and capable?

Because 'scaring yourself' isn't a long-term motivator, it's bio-chemically an adrenaline-trigger, and to keep that up you need to keep upping the fear, which is impossible to do.
2015-11-29 10:29 pm
keep trying to be strong.
2015-11-29 8:48 pm
yeah, that is why many people prefer to do crimes...
then get locked up forever.
Ex prisoner decided to work, cause it is better than no job or going back to jail.
Homeless people are starving, eating out of garbage... Sleeping in cold weather. They wish they
have study hard and work hard.... but too late... they can't really get out of it.
Just do the best you can... study... take notes, do well on test.

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