I feel like I'm slipping back into depression..?

2015-11-29 4:23 pm
I've had it on and off for a couple years, just a lot of family issues and friend issues. My best friend of 3 years and I are drifted apart and not close anymore. I don't even know why I didn't do anything she's just shutting me out but she always brought me down anyway. I lost two good friends, I have two good friends at school and I hate my school and I'm always overwhelmed with school and losing weight because I'm still overweight. I lost 26 pounds but I don't know why I'm losing hope in everything.. Music, all hobbies I enjoy and I feel like I'm never good enough and there's just nothing for me. What do I do? Only like 2 of my friends know I've been depressed my family didn't

回答 (2)

2015-11-29 4:33 pm
Em: At your age depression is somewhat normal. You're going through changes that turn you from a child into a woman. you're not done yet. Though you're almost 16 these changes start at different ages for all girls. And some go through changes faster than others. Good news is that this will pass. For now a good way to deal with depression is to get a journal and simply write what you are feeling. Keep your journal private too. That way you can write whatever you feel with confidence nobody will ever see it. OR if you're concerned about others finding it then simply write them down on a piece of paper then spread it. OR BETTER YET - use your computer to make a password protected word document. That way you can keep your private feelings private.

As I mentioned, these changes will pass. There's more good news and bad. The faster you go through the changes the harder it will be. But the good news in that is that it passes more quickly. If you're one of those who go through it slower, the good news in that is that it isn't as hard on you. But the eventuality is that it WILL pass.

You're turning 16 in a few months. And yes, these changes WILL bring new ways of looking at the world. Aside from journaling your feelings there is one more way to lessen the severity of your depression, and that is to focus on your education. That does two things for you: First it distracts you from your depression. The second thing it does is improves your entire future. Your education IS the foundation of your future. Do well and you won't be dependent on anyone for support. You'll always be capable of getting what you need when you need it. Neglect your education and you close many doors. Doors to good colleges and jobs. An education is not to be neglected. After all, an education will never leave you. Nor will you ever find yourself feeling depressed because of it.

Hope this helps.

Proud father of FIVE girls. WAY TOO MANY YEARS experience.
2015-11-29 4:41 pm
You should see your doctor. If you feel as if you're feeling before I recomend telling someone.

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