What the **** do I do?

2015-11-29 2:44 pm
Every time my father and I make plans to go to New York my step mom always ruins it by wanting to do laundry or something then she's like "I never knew we were going somewhere" or " I didn't hear dad say anything about that" or "I don't remember" like it's starting to piss me the **** off because she's always there when we make plans. She's the first person my dad asks if she's going to be busy and the ***** always says no.

回答 (5)

2015-11-29 2:45 pm
Go without her.
2015-11-29 3:53 pm
sabotage? jealous? do you all have dinner together? that's when you better calmly ask what is going on...put it out in the open and deal with it!
2015-11-29 3:29 pm
I don't understand the issue. Is it that she cannot go because she has chores not completed or the clothes she wants to take are not clean? And she complains she didn't get any notice of the trip? Then what your dad needs to do is remind her, write it on a calendar, send her a text each day, get out his luggage and pack in front of her, and everything else which will tell her when and that she needs to be ready to go.

It's possible she has memory issues, but more likely she doesn't want to go, in which case that's your dad's job, too, to get her to speak to him honestly about her concerns or worries about the trip instead of inventing excuses.
2015-11-29 3:02 pm
It is likely how women are as my mother does that to my step-father and my step-mother does that to my father even with family. I think some of it is just how women are.

Talk to your father though and be respectful of your step-mother but note how disappointed you were not to be able to go to New York. Be sure to be respectful when with the step-mother though even when angry.
2015-11-29 2:46 pm
what does her doing laundry have to do wth you and your dads plans?

speak to your dad, tell him you are really let down every time
and can you make plans, just the 2 of you and stick to them regardless of what excuse she comes up with

your dad needs to grow a pair

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:30:05
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