How to house train a puppy that doesn't cry to go out?

2015-11-29 9:37 am
I have an 11 week old puppy, I've had her for 2 weeks. She pees and poos at random, no time pattern. I take her out after her meal (sometimes she pees on the way to the door) but won't do anything outside no matter how long I wait but as soon as we come back inside, she'll do her business then. She doesn't cry when she needs to go to the bathroom. On the rare occasion she does, she doesn't give me a chance to unlock the door before peeing. I've tried ignoring her after she does it, I've tried still letting her out, I've tried shutting her out the living room where she spends most the time and I know you shouldn't, but I've even tried shouting at her but nothing is working. Sometimes she'll wait for me to open the living room door but won't wait for me to open the door. I've tried attempting to carry her out but she's a Lurcher so quite big and wriggles out my arms. She'll use her pads but it's not keeping anything clean because the cat will start playing with the pad and clawing it up and if I don't notice, she won't give any indication. I don't know what to do. I'm trying not to get frustrated with her but it's like she's doing everything she can to avoid going outside. I don't want her in a crate so please don't suggest that. I've had a lot of puppies and they've never been in a crate.

回答 (11)

2015-11-29 10:34 am
She is too young to have control over her bladder or bowels, consequently she does not know when she needs to go out.
Unfortunately by using pads, you have taught her to pee in the house. Do the following.
I start toilet training a puppy as soon as I get it.

A puppy must be taken out every hour, after it eats or drinks and after a nap. You must stay out with it until it has either a pee or a poo, then praise it and give it a treat.

You should also take it out twice during the night.

I don’t use a cage, however my puppy’s sleep in the utility room until they are toilet trained.

My puppies are toilet trained from a very early age.

Incidentally, it’s almost impossible to toilet train, if a puppy is left home alone.
2015-11-29 11:06 am
I'm afraid, as you are finding out, puppies don't come programmed to ask to go out. YOU do the taking and regularly. Every hour during the waking day, immediately after a nap, feed (depending on when she last emptied) and short periods of playing. When you can't supervise, use a crate, but for no longer than 2 hours at a time, apart from overnight, when you will have to get up once to take her out.

If after say 5 minutes, when you know she must have a need to empty outside, she doesn't, as there's no point standing around out there (she'll find loads out there to do other than empty), bring her back indoors but keep her in the room by the outside door and the moment she squats, say No! and take her back outside. Housetraining a puppy is a full-on job and how quickly she learns will depend on how good you are at doing the training. Praise her when she empties outside, correct ONLY in the act, and clean up the mistakes you miss.

She will need a bowel movement as many times in a day, as the number of meals she's currently having, perhaps plus on, with a normal stool. If she has diarrhoea, she'll be emptying more. Peeing - roughly every hour when she's awake, as above.

With any training, it's persistence, consistency (routine) and PATIENCE.
2015-11-29 11:04 am
It takes time and patience,m&m pretty sure you didn't raise your hand or say 'Hey parents I gotta go potty' well until you'd ere close to 3 years old or better.

Your puppy is very much a baby, they can't tell when they have to go hence they will pee mid stride or in e middle of eating,playing etc. your asking her to bark and let you know when she has to go out to be fair to you, well to be fair to her you boild have bought a 6 month or older puppye thwt had some control over their Bowles and bladder.

You need to keep the pup on a strict feeding schedule, if they eat the same food at the same times every day and the same amount, chances are they will have to poop about the same times every day so you will have some idea when she needs to get out. As for the potty part, when she wakes up,mteke her from her crate or bed, CARRY her to outside. I don't care if she is a Great Dane pup, she can't weigh mor twn 20 pounds at 11 weeks, either that or kennel her close to the door, open he door and have it unlocked first then open her kennel or bedding were then let her out, if it's a 4 sexond dash through the door eyes no chance to go pee.

Yelling, hitting, screaming has no efect on a puppy she just thinks your barking loud, it has no value as of yet as she has not learned what you want from her. Get rid of the peep ads unless you want her toileting inside the house as it's confusing to dogs where you sent them to go. To them it's either inside or outside, they don't care if it's carpet or the pee pads, you taught her not to go on a bare floor so where ever is fine. You need to teach her outside is where she needs to go.

Puppies need to go out every 60 minutes to begin with then you work them longer and longer as they mature and get in control of their bladders etc. it goes from hourly to two hours to 2.5 hours to 3 hours at the most until they are 5 to 6 months old.
2015-11-29 10:32 am
My dog doesn't let me know. I just watch her and she will wander off more when she needs to go.
Sniffing is a sign of needing to go and circling a spot, also squatting of course. You need to watch carefully for the signs and rush the puppy out in time. Then loads of praise when she goes outside.

Get her into a routine, taking her out shortly after meals and straight after a nap. Stay out with her until she goes, if it's too cold for her then put a jumper on her. You need to stay out with her to see her pee so she won't pee when you go back inside.
2015-11-29 2:16 pm
Did you take it and a fresh fecal specimen to a vet within 48 hours like you were suppose to?

I'd start there, and while there you may address any and all other concerns you may have.

It's not the dogs job to let you know when it needs to go out, it's yours, to provide proper scheduled feedings* and exercise/elimination times**.

Woo Hoo a full two weeks, you don't say!

Well have I got news for you, training requires a lot of patience, constant supervision, containment when you can't, immediate correction when caught in the act, consistency, diligence and time, minimum 6-18 months, if done properly, to start on your part.

Once trained you must still enforce what was taught on the daily basis, for the life of the dog, 12-17 years.

Stop shouting. Get rid of the pads, you're confusing her, she shouldn't be allowed to go indoors at all, only outside, no wonder you're having a problem.

Dogs have been trained for millenniums without a crate, this crate thing, seems to be fairly new as are those disgusting pads. Confine her to a small room with an easily cleanable floor.

I wish you luck as you're going to need it, you've got a long road ahead of you.


2015-11-29 1:51 pm
Yes, well a crate would solve your problems, instead of using pads that only train & encourage her to PEE & POO indoors and/or allow your cat to also destroy them & further push back any efforts for pup to get to them. Frankly, I think it is INSANE to TEACH a dog you want to BE house-trained to eliminate INDOORS, first. I'd ditch the pads & either keep BOTH eyes fully on the dog (and the dog & i in the SAME room) or the puppy crated, when I was busy. Amazingly for ME, it has worked perfectly for 30 years.....for puppies & unhousenbroken adult rescue dogs.
2017-02-20 2:14 am
參考: Toilet Training Guide
2016-04-13 5:26 pm
Helping your kid grow to be totally relaxed utilizing the potty independently – and educating steps such as how to pull his pants down and back up, empty the potty, and wash his hands it only take 3 days with this method .
Start Potty Training can benefit anyone who is having difficulties potty training his or her kid.
Many individuals expertise conflict in the course of this phase, and it’s a helpful reminder that you are not alone, and delivers approaches for feeling better about it. This can be a fantastic precursor to embarking on the training, so if your little one is nonetheless as well little, have a read and truly feel prepared for this demanding and nevertheless very rewarding time.
2015-11-29 10:39 am
Dont let her out at that age, take her out on the lead once an hour at least. Use a marked off spot, keep her there, as soon as she goes give a command, praise and reward.

Edit; You misunderstood my answer.
You asked for advice on house training your dog. The info I gave is the method you use to house train your dog.
Just letting the dog out is not house training her.

Take her to the right spot and reward her when she uses it, or dont be surprised when she uses your home as a toilet.
2015-11-29 1:22 pm
When our dogs were pups, we used to have them caged with puppy training mats and then gradually let them loose in the day and lock Hem in at night. They got used to going to the toilet on these mats and then we eventually moved the mats to the door and then outside until they didn't need the mats anymore, now they roam the house freely and bark/ scratch on the door when they need the toilet. After going outside to the toilet, they got rewarded. They never had a pattern for when they go to the toilet, it's when they need it, just like humans, when we want the toilet we go, we don't wait until it's a certain time.
2015-11-29 9:43 am
No dog "pees and poos" at random.
You need to take her outside every time after she wakes up, every hour, and every 3 hours after she poos.
You need to constantly pay attention to her, and avoid forgetting about her "schedule".
Eventually she will learn that doing it outside will be the only option, and she will start crying when she needs to go.

This is just the tip of the iceber, you can find more detailed information on online videos.

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