how do you say "i got new glasses today" in spanish?

2015-11-28 11:03 pm
Would it be "yo tengo anteojos nuevos hoy" ??

回答 (6)

2015-11-28 11:15 pm
I think you probably mean that you jsut bought them. There's not any equivalent to "get" in Spanish. Instead you have to use a synnym in each case, for example "obtain".

I'd say

"Me he comprado unas gafas nuevas hoy", which means "I just bought new glasses today".

Anyway, use gafas = (eye) glasses.
參考: Spanish
2015-11-28 11:14 pm

the sentence "I got" is a little difficult to translate.... "I got" could mean a lot of things... what exactly do you mean? did you purchase some new glasses? did someone give you away some new glasses? do you want to say that your doctor give you some new glasses?.. Also, I'm guessing you are talking about glasses to read.. otherwise you would have said "sun glasses"...

So, let's suppose that you want to say that you purchased some new glasses today.. The translation would be

"Hoy me compre unos anteojos nuevos." .. I wonder if you really need to use the adjective "new".,,,, but i guess you do, you can always buy glasses in a place where they sell second hand items.

God bless you.
2015-11-28 11:08 pm
i think its
me dieron nuevas gafas de hoy
2015-11-28 11:15 pm
There are different ways to say it. It depends on what you mean by "got." Did you buy glasses today? If so: Hoy me compre un par de anteojos nuevos.

Did you order them and get them in the mail? If so: Hoy recibí un par de anteojos nuevos.

Did you wear a brand new pair of glasses today? If so: Hoy me puse un par de anteojos nuevos.
2015-11-30 3:47 pm
I usually use anteojos but the words gafas and lentes are also used.
2015-11-29 9:21 pm
Hoy estreno gafas nuevas....[to day I´m wearing new eye- glasses

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