Why do some far-left liberals condemn the U.S. dropping two Atomic bombs on Japan in WW2?

2015-11-28 5:01 am
People that condemn us for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a disgrace to the country. By dropping the A-bombs we saved countless more American and Japanese lives than we would have if we invaded Japan instead, many American's, Japanese others would not be alive today if we invaded instead of dropped the bombs. Japan started this fight by attacking Pearl Harbor, and by invading China and by annexing Korea. This is all Japan's stupid emperors fault, he could've surrendered when Truman warned them that we would bomb them unless they surrender, the Japanese refused to surrender. I don't apologize for it, we did what we had too, if anything they should apologize for the war crimes they committed against the Chinese, the Koreans and the U.S. and others.

It is furiously insulting to all the American and Japanese and Chinese and Korean and other lives that were saved to condemn the Atomic bombing of Japan and apologizing to them. Even many democrats supported it.


回答 (9)

2015-11-28 5:08 am
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Because they are stupid, completely ignorant of history, and/or Anti-Americans that hate our country.
2015-11-28 5:03 am
Liberals love killing unborn children, porking each other in the but, and doing drugs. They are crazy, evil and stupid. Always remember that and it explains everything about them.
2015-11-28 5:10 am
Japanese are lucky to exist at all that liberal FDR said when declaring war ''we will wipe that hatred language from the face of this earth''
2015-11-28 5:12 am
Many of the scientist that worked on them only did so because they believed Germany might get the A bomb and did not think we should use it after Germany was defeated
2015-11-28 5:51 am
Yes those far left Liberals like

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr
Under-Secretary of the Navy, Ralph Bard
Rear Admiral L. Lewis Strauss
Chief of Naval Operations, Ernest J. King
Major General Curtis E. LeMay
Commanding general of the U.S. Army Air Forces, Henry H. "Hap" Arnold
General Carl "Tooey" Spaatz

All who either spoke out against the use of the A bomb at the time or in later years.

The funny thing is that the people who complain about how untrustworthy Governments are tend to the same one's who accept what was told to the public in war time (Probably the time when you are least able to trust what is being told to you by Governments) as if it was sacred text and should ignore anything that become available in later years that may differ from what was originally told.
2015-11-28 5:02 am

Far left liberals- and only "some" of them
think the U.S. dropping two Atomic bombs on two Japanese cities in WW2 was a crime.

everyone but the American mainstream condemns that.
2015-11-28 5:05 am
I agree. I have family members who were in Asia at the time fighting the Japanese, and they are thankful that those bombs dropped. The only people who oppose it are modern day liberals who are clueless about just how ruthless the Japanese were.
2015-11-28 5:04 am
Who are these "far-left liberals"?

Why are you just an online Troll post crap?

At least be more creative and unique.

It was a waste of time and reflects IQ/age.
2015-11-28 5:23 am
LIB hero FDR helped create and pushed America into WW2 to end the depression, so naturally they condemn the use of the war ending atomic bombs.
2015-11-28 5:13 am
All they know how to do is hate white people.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 19:26:32
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