Why doesn't my employer take federal taxes out of some of my checks?

2015-11-28 3:39 am
I just resigned from a job after 5 months of employment due to cut hours!

Well, I'm looking at some of my check federal withholdings and notice that Federal taxes isn't withdrawn from all of them.

two of the checks only $1.52 was withdrawn. More state tax was withdrawn than any of the withholdings?

Why is this?

回答 (6)

2015-11-28 8:44 am
You didn't make enough in those pay periods to have any federal withheld based on what you put on your W-4
2015-11-28 4:49 pm
The correct amount to withhold was zero.
2015-11-28 4:07 pm
because your gross amount was the minimum that any income tax can be withheld
there are minimums at which no income tax is withheld, in fact if $1.52 that gross was barely over the minimum
state rates are different and minimums are not the same, there could be state withheld but not federal
2015-11-28 3:54 am
On some checks your gross income might not have been enough to need to withhold federal income tax.
2015-11-28 3:44 am
The amount you made didn't qualify to have the taxes withheld.
2015-11-28 3:42 am
If you're not on track to make enough to pay tax, you don't get any taken off. What that limit is depends where you are and what deductions you claimed on hire.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:28:25
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