Do you think schools should be gender segregated?

2015-11-27 6:55 am

I remember when I used to be in public elementary school, both boys and girls were in the same school and classroom, but in lunch, we had to sit in a boy-girl pattern, and students were not allowed to play with other students of the opposite gender, and the yard was segregated. We also had to make a double file line of respective genders.

回答 (15)

2015-11-27 8:10 am
No, I don't think so. I think people should learn to mix with the opposite gender.
2015-11-27 8:01 am
2015-11-27 7:12 am
I don't see why they should.

My school was co-ed. Only bathrooms, sports and physical education classes were gender segregated.

Most of us turned out perfectly fine.
2015-11-27 7:01 am
Absolutely not. Separate is never equal. And I even believe it's bad for the kids, even if you guaranteed equal funding. Socialization is important.

Allow gender segregation only in private institutions, not a nickel of public money. And in a civilized society I would expect such outfits to die out over the years.
2015-11-27 2:03 pm
No of course not, live in the real world!
2015-11-27 11:37 am
2015-11-27 7:01 am
In my school boys sat on the right of the class, girls on the left. Don't ask me why !!
2015-11-27 6:56 am
Yes, my school was.
2015-11-27 12:16 pm
For gym it should be. I stopped playing when they made it co-ed. I experienced the time when gym at least was separate. Then they made it co-ed and when they did I stopped participating (they could not keep me back). Now before people go crazy on me know that in MY school the boys there were pervs, they did leer, they did try to peek, and in some cases they touched.
2015-11-27 7:11 am
No why are people trying this again. Certain ones are but seriously its a bad idea for every one of them to do that. Just bad. No move on. It doesn't work. We tried that.
2015-11-27 7:02 am
A lot of schools ARE. It all depends on the developing child. I think it can honestly be beneficial for curious young minds but also there are statistics that point to very young homosexual experiences in gender segregated communities. Not saying whether this is a good or bad thing, but, it's something.
2015-11-27 6:57 am

It will irk the kids, but it's just like requiring drug screening for welfare.

What do they have to compromise?

Apparently a lot.

God forbid focusing on the matters at hand.
2016-10-19 8:00 pm
Gender Segregated Schools
2015-11-30 1:18 am
2 decades ago probably not. Now, gender segregation seems to be the only way for either gender not to be negatively. College campuses are certainly headed that way.
2015-11-27 4:40 pm
When I was a kid all kids sat where they felt like it. In the 80's growing up as a little kid, parents and teachers thought of us kids like as in too young to comprehend what sex was. They saw the worst case scenario as in kids pecking each other on the lips. Most boys my age thought that girls had cooties. I still don't know what cooties is today. Still wondering about that?
Anyway now a days kids younger and younger are being aware of sex. When I was younger, I always thought that sex was gross, that kissing was better. I have no idea of the mentality kids have today. I like to think they think like we did, but I am not sure the way people talk about It. I assume it's the same, but who knows? Seragant classes maybe depending on their states of minds. We should run some tests on different types of neighborhood schools by social class from rich to poor neighborhoods and if boys act joking towards sex, that means they find sex gross, and if boys talk about their real legitimate gf's
參考: and are being legitimately serious about sex, then they are having it or thinking about having it. We should take those statistics and run diagnosis and make an analogy based on what class of stature depending needs to be seragate neutral. Take note, that may not be all of them, so don't make all schools like that that don't have that issue.

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