求英文翻譯!! 希望可以幫我翻成英文?

2015-11-27 4:44 am
地方依附包含個人對某地方意識的情感象徵,亦即遊客與環境所產生的一種情感連結之表現(Hwang, S., Lee, C., & Chen, H., 2005)。說明人對環境的認知、情感與行為之正向聯結或結合(林嘉男、許毅璿,2007)。地方因人類的行為和意圖使其充滿獨特性,人們創造此地之獨特性(unique)和無法替換的特性(irreplaceable) (Tuan, 1977)。劉俊志 (2004)提到隨著時間累積,經由意象、觀念及符號等等意義的賦予,空間即轉換為一個具有情感意義的地方,在這個地方中充滿了獨特的情感經驗,而對於地方的情感表現也會隨著時間的進行而累積,變得更深入、強烈。地方依附是多方面複雜的現象,它結合了聯結人與地方間的不同方面,且涉及人與地方間之情感、知識和信仰及關於地方的行為和行動的相互影響關係(Altman & Low, 1992; Chow & Healey, 2008; Rollero & Piccoli, 2010)。
吳志宏、黃宗成、邱廷亮 (2004)針對一連串的遊客行為來探討動機、期望、體驗、滿意度與重遊意願,認為體驗之後的滿意度會影響到遊客的行為和對這生態旅遊地的感受程度,進而影響他們對這個生態旅遊地的地方認同及地方依賴感。Kenz (2005)認為,人們在日常生活中所得到的體驗,經過時間的累積,對於地方會產生連結,例如在何處生長、在何處生活與工作,因此個人或是團體會對於所處環境,產生情感的認知。就一個旅遊地而言,不論在出發前做了多少功課,找了多少資料,沒有實際去體驗、感受,所影響的地方依附程度不會比實際體驗後來的高;遊憩體驗會直接影響地方依附(劉宗穎、蘇維杉,2009)。Kyle, Graefe, Manning and Bacon (2003)提出,場所是體驗之後所構成的意義與中心,經由使用者的體驗,漸漸對空間感到熟悉後形成地方依附。

Bricker and Kerstetter (2000) 所言,個體的行為與環境間的關係常表現在他們對地方的感覺上,或是對戶外環境情感的聯繫,從情感的聯繫或個人的依戀,可獲悉戶外環境對活動者的意義。如果將懷舊和地方連結,Jacoby (1978)認為引發懷舊的一個重要物件就是「家」(地方),這個「家」可以是出生地、工作地方、曾住過的城市或曾經短暫停留的地方,可見在懷舊的想像裡,「地方」是很重要的一個元素。李明汝 (2013)提出,各世代的懷舊時期引發的情景與物品乃是對於其過去生活空間的有意義的情感連結,懷舊意象會正向影響地方依附感。當人們的懷舊、記憶與映像被喚起時,地方感才產生意義(Henderson, 2000)。

希望可以請大大們幫我翻成英文 小弟不勝感激!!!

回答 (1)

2015-11-27 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Local attachment contains a personal awareness of the emotional symbol of a place, that tourists and the environment arising from the performance of an emotional link to the (Hwang, S., Lee, C., & Chen, H., 2005). Description people environmental awareness, positive emotions and behavior coupling or binding (Lin M, Xu Yi Xuan, 2007). Local human behavior and intentions because it is full of unique, people create here the unique (unique) and can not replace features (irreplaceable) (Tuan, 1977). Liu Zhi (2004), referring to accumulate over time, through imagery, ideas and symbols, etc. The implication given, the space that is converted to a place with a sense of emotion, full of unique emotional experience in this place, whereas for local Emotional performance will accumulate as time becomes deeper and stronger. Local Dependency is multifaceted complex phenomenon, which combines the different aspects of link between people and place, and relates to feelings between people and place, knowledge and belief and mutual influence on the relationship between behavior and actions of local (Altman & Low, 1992 ; Chow & Healey, 2008; Rollero & Piccoli, 2010).
Wu Zhihong, Huangzong Cheng, Qiu Tingliang (2004) for the behavior of visitors to explore a series of motives, expectations, experience, satisfaction and willingness to revisit that after the experience satisfaction will affect the behavior of visitors and the extent of these feelings of ecotourism, thereby affecting their sense of dependence on the eco-tourism and the local identity and place. Kenz (2005) believes that people in their daily life experiences obtained through the accumulation of time, will produce for local links, such as growth where, where to live and work in, so individuals or groups will be for the environment produce cognitive emotion. Just a tourist destination is concerned, both in how much homework to do before departure to find much information, no practical to experience, feel, where the degree of dependence is not affected by the subsequent higher than the actual experience; recreation experience will directly affect local attachment (Liuzong Ying, Sauvignon fir, 2009). Kyle, Graefe, Manning and Bacon (2003) suggested that the significance of place and the center constituted after experience via the user's experience, gradually forming a space feel familiar place after attachment.

Bricker and Kerstetter (2000) puts it, the relationship between individual behavior and the environment are often reflected in how they feel about the place, or the emotional ties to the outdoor environment, from the links or personal sentimentality can be informed of the outdoor environment meaning activists. If nostalgia and local links, Jacoby (1978) believes triggered a nostalgic important thing is the "home" (local), the "family" may be the birthplace of the work place, who once lived in the city or a short stay in place, visible in the nostalgic imagination, the "place" is a very important element. Liming Ru (2013) proposed that each generation nostalgic period triggered scenes and objects but meaningful emotional link to their past living space, nostalgic imagery will positively affect the local affiliation. When people's nostalgia, memory and image is aroused, it generates a sense of place significance (Henderson, 2000).

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