Why can you drink a drink but not food a food?

2015-11-26 6:45 pm
Why can you drink a drink but not food a food? Why can we exit an exit, but not enter an enter? We can post a post but not status a status. Any more examples like this?

回答 (4)

2015-11-27 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
There's no logic to language and don't expect there to be any. It's just that in some cases the noun and the verb are the same, and in other cases not.

It changes from language to language too. In German, you CAN food a food. Essen is one of the German words for food, and essen is also the verb "to eat". So "Ich esse Essen" makes sense - I eat food. (The capital E is deliberate - all nouns in German start with a capital letter.)
2015-11-27 5:33 am
Why can you drink a drink but not eat a eat?
2015-11-26 6:50 pm
You can see a saw but can't saw the sea?
2015-11-26 7:17 pm
None gay samoa men want to commit mur to my life because they want to control my sex life

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