Which is the best career Wildlife or Fashion photography ?

2015-11-26 11:58 am

回答 (6)

2015-11-26 5:21 pm
If you enjoy the great outdoors and don't get too upset when creepy crawlies and flying insects decide to give you their attention then wildlife can be interesting, if you panic when you see a spider or a wasp around and aren't too keen on dodgy weather then fashion might be more your scene.

Photography isn't anything like what you see on TV or in the movies, its not glamorous, it wont make you popular or rich is very competitive as a profession and involves lots of hard work, weirdly enough that doesn't seem to put the masses off exploring it as a career.

I'm a photography enthusiast and will have a go at anything except 'studio' work (that includes fashion in my book).
2015-11-26 12:17 pm
Do you want to photograph colourful creatures in exotic locations or animals?

Either can be good careers. Wildlife can be more challenging because animals don't perform to order, though the same can probably be said about some models.
2015-11-26 3:14 pm
That would be a matter of opinion . But both will be very hard to get into as a career .
I'd go with fashion myself .
2015-11-30 11:37 am
In both of those fields of photography your "career" is very much what YOU make of it. Those fields of photography are very different, and I am surprised to see them listed as alternatives.

In "fashion" you are only as good as your last shoot, and there are always other hopefuls waiting in the wings to get a start. Come to think of it, the same applies to wildlife photography. The difference in wildlife is the quality of accommodation while you are actually on the shoot, and the time away from home tends to be longer for each assignment.
2015-11-27 10:25 pm
That's a personal choice. For me, wildlife is way more interesting than portrait or fashion. Of course, I enjoy going in to the bushes and hate to be around hoards of uppity people. Wildlife photography requires patience, sometimes years getting the shot. If you don't have patience and don't like being eaten by insects, stay away from wildlife photography. National Geographic has had articles on some of their wildlife photogs that give a good glimpse in to their profession.
2015-11-26 3:54 pm
You should do the one you like to do.

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