I feel different from others that I know?

2015-11-26 8:21 am
I'm a 13 yr old girl, and I'm not the popular type in school.Like in school, literally everyone loves to take selfies. And I'm the only one who hates it. Its not because I feel that I look ugly. I just don't like taking selfies for some reason. Another thing is music, I like a bit of kpop, pop and edm. I love singing, dancing and rapping too. A lot of girls in school have the same interest in kpop as me, and aren't afraid to admit it. Their profile pics on whatsapp, instagram or whatever are on kpop idols. They always talk with their friends about kpop and squeal when mentioning idols. Even my friends who quieter than me aren't afraid to show what they like. But I never tell any of my friends what i like, I don't know even why, I feel like its cuz I'm too afraid to tell them even though they have the same interests as me. I also have a dream of becoming a kpop star. Auditioning, becoming a trainee, working hard then debuting. I'm too scared to tell anyone my dream, and I'm not dreaming of this because I want to get close to kpop stars. I have this dream because I love music and hope to create a song in the future, whether it's solo or as a group. I also feel that kpop doesn't seem like the right word, it's something I like, but the name just doesn't seem right. It's as if when the word 'kpop' is mentioned, people think about idols, instead of the music. There are more reasons, these are the main ones. Am I the only one who feels this way? What should I do? Thanks in advance.

回答 (1)

2015-11-26 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're growing up, you are learning that not everyone is required to like and dislike the same things. I'm sure there are many people who feel the same way but teens often keep silent not desiring to seem different. Keep dreaming, and "come out" to your friends when you feel confident.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:25:57
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